OP: Penis size correlation to ED?

Is Erectile dysfunction more common in large penises? I am 23 years old and am between 8.5" and 9" erect. I have no problem achieving an erection, but I can rarely keep it for more than a few minutes without constant and direct stimulation. When I masturbate I have to put pressure on the blood vessels on the base of my penis to achieve a full erection. It is difficult to do that while have sex with a woman, though.


Posted: 28 Sep 21:10


I have never seen a study relating size to ED. If you normal blood pressure and a "normal" amount of blood, there should be no problem. Surprisingly, drinking insufficent water does reduce the blood available.


Posted: 28 Sep 21:11

No, it's usually the other way around. A smaller penis doesn't have enough porous bodies to fill them with blood. That's why many people think they have erectile dysfunction. If you take a standard size, it's hard to say what causes this. A large penis may also be difficult to fully excite because of its size; it will not fill with blood enough to fully 'harden.' At 23 years of age, this kind of problem is rare because of illness. You probably need to try something from https://fortlapersonne.com/ . This will allow you to believe in yourself and that the problems are in your head and mental state.

Posted: 28 Jun 21:55

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