highly unlikely that you would be. very highly.
however, anything is possible.
BUT, do not fret about this. you worry yourself to death and you're just gonna get worse.
if you're extremely worried, and it's been say a week or so, go take a pregnancy test. if it comes back negative, breath a sigh of relief [no, they're not 100% accurate but go with me for a minute] and wait for your period, but again, don't stress. you stress and you're gonna delay your period, which will just cause you to stress more.
if your period comes, yay for that.
if it doesn't, wait a few more days to a week just to make it's not just delayed, and take another pregnancy test.
if it comes back negative again, well maybe you dodged the bullet.
but (don't you hate those?), if you want to be 100% sure, get a doctor to take a pregnancy test for you.
Posted: 27 Sep 04:44