> I have found a girl and she has brought up sex to me and I've put it off cos I'm nervous. I'm worried that since I have masturbated or been with girls but never got to penetrate them, when the time comes I'm worried i'll P E.
Worry is fine; however, you are your own worst enemy in this instance because P E is a common occurance to most teens and guys up to about their mid twenties and therefore you are robbing yourself of the possibility of some good times, and, establishing a great relationship because your Fragile Male Ego would rather not do anything wrong or less than perfect than attempting to do something at all even if it is less than perfect. As a Ballroom Dance instructor, I know all too well about the male ego.
Ya just gotta know that if the general statistics of P E are correct, other guys and gals while worried and concerned are not letting this one aspect of their life together stop the progress.
You can learn to have mastery over Premature Ejaculation. Please read the following Sticky post:
Squeeze & Training Exercise for Controling Premature Ejaculation
Information is presented on a training technique that with some practice will give you the skills required to control your body.
> I've read the Squeezing theories and such but I'm not sure I understand them.
Have you done a Google search of the technique? There are several sites that describe the squeeze technique in detail. Essentially, your partner will squeeze the shaft of the penis either at the base or just behind the Corona Rim as tightly as she can muster and hold the pressure until the man's sense of urgency subsides. There are two key factors to its success. The first is that he warn her before coasting beyond the point of no return; second, that she absolutely not move the penis while squeezing it as any movement can trigger deep seated nerves and cause him to climax anyway.
The Squeeze technique works well in the here and now and as a backup; the results of the training session will teach you to recognize and associate those sensations that preceed a climax and to keep a portion of your conscious mind atuned to what is happening with your arousal so that you will not give into your desire to just let things happen, or worse as is the case presently, to have an orgasm sneek up on you and not being able to stop it.
> Would prolonged foreplay help me last longer during sex? I have a short cooldown time.
This is an excellent question. One has nothing to do with the other. Actually, I have written quite a lot about the art of making out and orgasms in general. Please read my Sticky posts on these matters.
Spending a lot of time making out in general, even before getting to the Foreplay stage is very very important as it pertains to building our arousal and excitement and readying us for intercourse. You can think of P E as a sort of lack of communication between mind and body. The skills learned in the training exercise give you the skills to remedy this situation.
Even after you have acquired the skills required to control P E, know that it can visit any guy on a temporary transitory basis throughout his life. So, please to not worry needlessly. Doing so paralyzes any hope of having a productive relationship. That being the case, why wait until your twenty five or older when the two of you can work together when the time comes to provide the control you need.
Posted: 23 Sep 05:49