OP: bump above clitoris

I have a question about a bump that has come up above my clitoris. I do not have any std's I know this because I was tested recently and haven't been with anyone else in over a year. This bump is small but hard and at first it was very sore and painful. After a while it is still hard but isn't as sore, I can touch it without flinching. I want to know what it is but I can't go to the doctor (no insurance) and no where near me takes payments. Any help would be appreciated.

A little more information: It hurts a little (sharp pain) when I try to sqeeze it so I don't do that anymore, and it kind of itches a tiny bit. I'm really worried and want to know what this is, it is the size of a pencil eraser and is the color of my skin. Please help.


Posted: 23 Sep 23:29


Please make an appointment to see your doctor.


Posted: 23 Sep 23:29

Like I said, I can't go to a doctor I have no insurance and no one here has payment plans.

Anyways, if anyone else has this problem here is what happened with me.

I called a friend that is a emt and she told me it was either a infected hair or cyst. She said to put a hot compress (hot wash cloth) on it for about 5 mins and then squeeze it and try to pop even though it hurts. She told me to take a needle and sterilize it and try and pop the bump with that. That's what I did, puss came out and it was a infected hair.

She said that if it hurts too bad and doesn't want to pop, leave it alone, it's a cyst and you have to go to the doc. Hope that helps someone.


Posted: 23 Sep 23:30

Try to see the doctor...go to the local emergency room since they will not turn you down. Ask your friend who is an EMT to talk to one of the docs and see if they will look you over, off the record first.


Posted: 23 Sep 23:30

In the area above the clitoris it is probably an epidermoid/sebaceous cyst. They are usually caused by shaving or inverted hair follicles that plug the sebaceous gland that lubricates the hair follicle. When they become infected they have a tendency to become very painful and sometimes very large. The infection is usually caused by staph and sometimes strep and usually requires drainage. Warm compresses can be tried initially but never try to pop the cyst on your own. When the cyst enlarges it forms what looks like a honeycomb and when you squeeze the cyst you force the material even further down. If you try to lance the cyst on your own you will probably fail to remove all the pus and the skin will seal itself back and the pus will reaccumulate. When we lance a cyst we used what is called a curved hemostat to break all the septations and insert iodiform gauze to keep the cyst open and prevent pus collection. The cyst is then allowed to heal from the inside out and you are typically placed on 1-2 antibiotics depending on the prevelance of MRSA in your area. Long story short....see your physician and don't doctor those on your own. We sometimes care for some very awful cysts and in this area you will not be happy if this thing were to get out of hand!


Posted: 23 Sep 23:30

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