OP: Erection Problems

There are generally three concerns fellas have regarding erections:
1. He is not hard when the couple begins making out; or, when she slips her hand down his trousers
2. His penis becomes limp for what seems like no good reason, either after a prolonged period of lovemaking, or, when attempting penetration
3. Once the erection is lost, it means that lovemaking must end

First, there is nothing in the rule book for making love that mandates having an erection when about to make love. For teens and young men up to their early forties or so, spontaneous erections are the norm. We get them when thinking erotic thoughts, seeing a mannequin in the store, viewing an ad, passing an attractive person on the street, having any of our five senses stimulated.

As men age, spontaneous erections become less frequent and later in life--non existent. Does this mean that sex is over? Obviously not. So, whenever you experience a flaccid penis when you believe it should not be, do not become upset or worried. It does not mean you are any less a "man", or that there is something wrong with you.

The fix is to simply pay attention to it and work on it manually {by hand) and/or oral stimulation. If the erection does not return, back off and give your body some time to recupe and regroup. This is especially important if the erection goes away after a long period of fooling around making out.

If worried about Performance Anxiety, the best fix is to stop worrying. (I know, easier said than done, yet frankly this is the way to get over it. That, and to become more comfortable with each other.) If you continue to worry about performing, it will likely become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Because erections come and go, and, because boys usually experience them when desired, it becomes a matter of great concern when one does not happen. They have little or no experience beginning a lovemaking session with no erection. Here are two important facts to know and understand: Women enjoy--
a. watching a penis grow
b. making it grow as a direct result of what they are doing

This should be sufficient reason to stop worrying and to let her help reestablish an erection.

Second, if your lovemaking session has become quite long, it is not unusual for the body to simply tire of maintaining an erection. Should this occur and the penis becomes (partially) flaccid, just devote some time and attention to it and work it back up. If it won't respond immediately, simply, give your body a few minutes to recuperate, continue making out, then try again, later. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO REASON TO CALL A HAULT TO THE PROCEEDINGS.

On occasion a penis will be erect and as soon as you apply pressure to the structure by attempting intercourse, the erection goes away. What has happened is that the back pressure applied to the shaft affects the root structure of the penis inside the abdominal cavity. This is a common occurrence when first attempts are made at penetrating the hymen, or, if the vaginal opening is small. The fix is the same.

Third, if an erection is lost for whatever the reason while making love, it does not mean a couple must stop and their romp in the hay is over; quite the contrary, just refocus your attention on making out and stimulating the penis. More often the erection will return, she will enjoy watching it grow, especially if she has a hand in it; and, the two of you can continue on.

Original Post: dancingdoc - 12/31/2008 - 18:21

Posted: 17 Aug 03:29


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