OP: Mifepristone (Emergency Contraception)

well my bf n i had sex and he came inside me before he could pull out. i thought the chances of getting pregnant are slim since i've heard that before the mid cycle/ ovulation you cant get pregnant that easy. still we didn't wanna take a chance so i took a mifepristone (and yes its so expensive!) after carefully reading directions etc on the leaflet online. and i prayed it would work.
i was so relieved when i got my periods and that too at the right time, but it was unusually light. like, i usually have terrible cramps, bloating etc, but this time i had none of that, i hardly felt a thing! and the flow was so little, i didn't even soil 2 normal sanitary pads the whole cycle! which got me worried. a friend told me to try eating dates, they make it all come out easier. i decided to try it, since its natural and cant hurt. i ate a whole packet, and the flow increased a lil but didn't stay that way for long.
i'm a lil worried because of this. i mean if it bleeds and its at the time my periods are supposed to come, it means I'm not pregnant right? and can mifepristone make that happen? like, screw with the hormone cycle and interfere with the periods?


Posted: 29 Sep 20:32


Your post concerns me. Mifepristone is not a hormone like birth control pills or Plan B. It should only be used on prescription and with a doctor's supervision. Most women who take it are not eager to do it again. It induces abortion or a miscarriage.

In the genral case, the flow would have been heavier, not lighter, and with horrendous cramping. It should induce cramping and bleeding within three days of taking it. Are you sure you took mifepristone?

If, instead, you took Plan B, then a period at the normal time is more likely with lower side-effects and the bleeding, however light, would indicate you are not pregnant.

You also need a basic education in sex and contraception. Teen women are notoriously irregular with their periods. That means that ovulation is also erratic. Any time you have a penis in your vagina you are at risk for pregnancy - whether or not he ejaculates. You are correct only insofar as our fertility usually varies with the cycle but it is a terrible way to plan or prevent pregnancy. Read all the stickies in Women's Health and learn a bit about your body.

If you figure out what you actually took, perhaps we can give you better guidance but what you describe makes no sense from a medical standpoint.


Posted: 29 Sep 20:32

Ditto. This makes no sense and a doc had to prescribe the pills following a positive pregnancy test.


Posted: 29 Sep 20:32

hi i checked the pill out. i still have the blister pack and it says mifepristone 200 mg (the brand name is MT Pill). its got just one pill in it and i took it close to 8 hours after sex, and it was still before the midcycle.
brandye, i admit it wasn't very well planned and it was a foolish thing. but it just happened and i freaked out cuz if i end up pregnant my parents would totally kill me. and i've had enough of a scare (and bankruptcy) to never take that risk again.
l live in india where you can get many prescription drugs without a prescription. the hitch is i cant go to a doc cuz here that would invariably involve my parents too in some way and though im 20, im not actually 'allowed' to have sex.
does it still sound like somethings wrong? and is it possible that for some reason the pill did not work and i am pregnant or something? i mean, if it came at the time of my periods, it has to be my periods right?


Posted: 29 Sep 20:39

Generally if you take Mifepristone as directed, it's several doses here is the US, it gives nasty cramps & bleeding. From what you said you have a blister pack but it sounds as if the dose is a single pill.

If you are in doubt take a preg test. I do realize the cultural differences and in India it's banned to have sex unless you are married & it's w/your spouse. Hopefully Brandye hops in with info for you...


Posted: 29 Sep 20:39

Well, you got me into the books. Throughout Europe and N. America, the dose is 600mg with a follow up in two days with misoprostol, orally or vaginally. Prescription cannot be made until pregnancy is definitely established. 90% of women will then have a complete abortion within twenty-four hours; most within four hours.

There are alternate regimens in some of the rest of the world with which I am not familiar. Using a single 200mg dose would be as "morning after pill" rather than an abortion pill. I am not familiar with this approach as it is not approved in the UK. We use hormones as the "morning after pill."

The WHO has established guidelines using the 200 mg pill with a two-day follow-up as an abortion pill. I do not know when we stronger dose nations will follow that lead.

If you can check with a pharmacist or nurse-practicioner at a clinic, do so. My guess is using it as a morning after pill it would yield the effects you report. It is also possible that you did not become pregnant and it merely changed period a bit.

If you do not have your next period, you MUST see a doctor. When mife does not cause abortion, it does damage the foetus. The few times I have prescribed, I have made the woman agree to a mechanical abortion if it failed.


Posted: 29 Sep 20:40

Despite the labeling I was wondering if it was MTX...This was used back here a few years ago & still is used by some Gyns.


Posted: 29 Sep 20:40

Isn't MTX used for RA?
I didn't know it could be used as a MAP?


Posted: 29 Sep 20:40

Yes it's for RA but it's used for Terms too. And some other stuff...like "bad choices" for those when they work in a Catholic Hospital! Docs used th BCP regime and MTX for getting around issues. Ultimately proper followup is required to be certain all is well. Remember there was a time MAP or RU was not avail or approved in the US....


Posted: 29 Sep 20:40

I think prettynonsense taught us all a bit. I was vaguely aware that mife was in general circulation in parts of the world but had no idea that it was OTC morning after pill anywhere.


Posted: 29 Sep 20:41

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