OP: Does the pill have to be taken at an exact time each day?

My girlfriend started taking the pill about a month and a half ago. She is good about taking it every day however she does not take it at the same time every day. She says it does not matter what time you take it as long as you take it every day. I was wondering if this was true? we have had sex a couple times now without a condom since she has been on it and her period came last month and is about to come again. Does it matter if you dont take it the same time everyday? i also have another quetion, if she is on the pill can i cum inside her without a condom? or would that not be a good idea? thanks, any help would be appreciated


Posted: 27 Sep 05:16


While I heard that it's ok to have like an 4 hours window, I also heard that lower hormone level pills can have only a 90 min window. I would recommend that she takes it around the same time, safer that way. And yes, you can have sex with her without a condom, if she takes her pill everyday aroudnt the same time, she should be fine, however, I would recommend that you still use condoms, for extra pregnancy protection and STD, since pill doens't protect you from STD or HIV


Posted: 27 Sep 05:16

Thanks littlefurry, i dont know the exact kind shes taking ill have to ask her. I know i can still have sex with her and be relatively safe but i was wondering if i could cum IN her, because right now she makes me pull out just to be sure, if any one knows anything about this and has a reliable website link that can inform me about these questions that would be great, thanks again


Posted: 27 Sep 05:17

The pill is 99% effective when taken correctly. Your g/f isn't taking it correctly. It specifically says in the packet of pills to take them at the same time. I believe you are ok if you take it w/in an hour or 2. If you go beyond that window say 3-4 hours, the risk increases and you should use a backup method. 3 hours is ify, 4 hours is a no no.

The pill is made so that you are able to have sex the way you want, i.e. cumming inside her. Yes you helping reduce the risk by not cumming inside her. Also, you need to make sure she is taking it at the same time. This is very important!
How off is she on her time of taking it? Like taking one pill in the morning and then the next day taking it at night is really bad.


Posted: 27 Sep 05:17

For the first month i beleive she was taking it everyday in the morning with in a 2 hour period for sure. But now she is taking them at night because it gives her stomache aches to take them in the morning? im assuming this is bad? ill talk to her about it. Do you know any good websites i can show her to prove this? i dont think she would be to happy with talking about her on a online message board haha... thanks for all the help. I guess ill be using a condom untill i know shes takin it at the same time everyday and using it in the correct way. thanks again!


Posted: 27 Sep 05:17

No! its ok to take them at night. I take mine at night. They sometimes do cause nausea..etc. so some people take theres at night.
The point is she needs to pick a time of day and stick with it. If she wants to take them at night around 11 (which is what I do). That is totally cool. But don't be taking it at 11 one night, then the next night stay out all night and not remember till 4am, or the next morning. That's all we were trying to say.
You made it sound like she just took them during the day whenever she felt like it or remembered. Like she's take one monday at 9am, tuesday at 10pm, wednesday at 3pm..... you get the point.
You can take your pill any time of day that is convenient for you. Then you must be consistent and take your pill at or around that specified time everyday.
hope this clarifies.


Posted: 27 Sep 05:17

haha yea she wasnt takin them whenever she felt like it. i was just worried because she was taking them in the morning then like 4 days ago she switched to night time, and we had had sex after she did that (i didnt know about the switch till later) so i was just worried maybe....haha. well all the advice u guys gave was great, and the website helped her realise she needs to be more serious about takin them at the same time each day. thanks all of ya!


Posted: 27 Sep 05:17

Yeah, if she was going to decide that she was going to take them at a different time, then she should have waited till she started a new pack of pills.
Hope everything works out and she knows how serious it is to take them correctly.
good luck.


Posted: 27 Sep 05:17

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