OP: We were both virgins, condom broke... help!

My girlfriend, 15, and I, 16, just an hour ago had sex for the first time. Both of us were virgins and we used a condom, but the condom broke. I'm almost positive I pulled out in time. She isn't on birth control and all we used was a standard lubricated condom. She hasn't had her period in 29-30 days, but it's been fairly irregular before, happening every two weeks or so.
Could this be because she's mildly bulimic?

Help! What do we do?!
Go to planned parenthood? What?

We live in Minnesota by the way.
And I checked the condom's expiration date and everything; I just bought them this morning too.


Posted: 30 Sep 17:51


Well, the most direct thing you can do is get to a pharmacy and get Plan B. This is sometimes referred to as the morning after pill or emergency contraception. The pills should be taken exactly as the instructions state within 72 hours after intercourse.

There are some birth control pills that are approved for this purpose when taken in a much higher dose. If she or a sister or a friend has those, it is cheaper but not quite as convenient as Plan B.

Find a pharmacy and ask the chemist (pharmacist, apothecary, whatever you call them) for Plan B. I do not know the cost in the US.


Posted: 30 Sep 17:51

We're both under 18, so we can't just walk right in and get it.

Should I set up an appointment or something!?

Sorry, I'm still in shock. :(


Posted: 30 Sep 17:51

Would spermicide work this late?
I mean its only been a couple hours....

Reply ASAP.


Posted: 30 Sep 17:52

I don't know if you can even get one without a prescription here in the US. I would make a doctor appointment and well kids go tell your parents. As much as you don't want to she is 15 and you are 16. Your to young to be having sex, and well that's a good place to start. "Mom, dad, I am never going to do this again". Yes, you will but lets hope it's when your ready, using a condom was an intelligent move.
I don't think a 15 year old can even get medical care without a parent's consent. So you need to fess up. Both of you. You really don't want her parents coming to your house and telling your parents.
I wish you both all the best.


Posted: 30 Sep 17:52

Call Planned Parenthood. I would think they can help you get Plan B.


Posted: 30 Sep 17:52

Planned parenthood, on-line pharmacy which will ship over night, or go to the ER or see your MD in the am. It's available by RX for those 16&17 or the doctor can call in a RX for BCP's which do in essence the same. However, you need to see someone. The MAP is intended to be used ASAP and within 72 hours.

Spermicides...too late. Last resort look up in the phone book your local County Department of Health...see if they have a Gyn clinic and get in tomorrow. You do not need to be 18 or have parental consent to see a physician for a pregnancy test, treatment, or STD care, diagnosis, treatment, or a rape. These are the only exceptions for those under 18 where a parent cannot be notified.

Most MD's will go with a pack of BCP's at her age and tell her how to take them.

Brandye...At the age of 16 & 17 they must have a RX to cover for dispensing in the US. The lowest cost I have found is on-line at drugstore.com for $49.00; however, other's do carry it, and ship Fedex overnight priority for a higher cost about another $35.00. These [on-line pharmacies] do not check photo ID for proof of age over 18.

Planned parenthood does dispense the MAP for any age without parental consent. Their overall AOC guidelines are age 11 or younger must have a parental consent for treatment. Odd part is a 15-16 y/o can pick up a RX (non-narcotic) called in by a MD in their name without the parent present.


Posted: 30 Sep 17:53

Just out of curiosity, what are you going to do the next time you begin fooling around with her or someone else? An inquisitive mind wants to know.


Posted: 30 Sep 17:54

Interesting price. We use Levonelle in the UK as you use Plan B inthe US and it costs in pounds sterling about what you pay in dollars. That is if one goes to the local chemist. Clinics distribute it free of charge.

Now that you have that taken care of, Doc's question becomes the next important thing you need to address.


Posted: 30 Sep 17:54

You make an interesting observation Brandye. One thing that I noticed while I was in the U.K. for the summer... a lot of things seem to cost about relatively the same in unit terms... what I would pay about $10 for here, would cost 10 pounds over there... definitely doesn't work they way they explain it in my economics classes.. just because the dollar is only worth about half a pound (approx..not sure what the exact exchange rate is atm) doesn't mean something costing 10 pounds would then cost 20 dollars.. Its all the same really, relative to income rates.. trying to calculate exchange rate prices on goods isn't exactly accurate to real prices. So yeah, I'm not surprised Levonelle and Plan B are the same price in units. Though I don't know the differences between the two products quality-wise either


Posted: 30 Sep 17:54

Our standards are the same as yours. Levonelle is actually a newer version. Plan B uses a different formulation of birth control pills as we have been doing for women for decades - only quietly. Levonelle is a newer synthetic hormone and is available in a single pill dose or two. The single pill is over the counter and the two pill by prescription or from a clinic.


Posted: 30 Sep 17:55

Definitely be more cautious and prepared.
-extra strength condom
-lube in condom
-get her on birth control

This has been too scary, and it's still not even over yet.
She took the first pill last night and the second exactly twelve hours later, as directed. Next action will be home pregnancy test. How long does it take before those will show accurate results?

Thank you to everyone for all the help :)


Posted: 30 Sep 17:55

She needs to take the second pill & see what happens. No need for a home pregnancy test yet. Try to relax for the next day or two. If nothing, let us know & her best next stop would be the doctor. A home pregnancy test will not show positive 3 days after intercourse. They are done, with accuracy, 5-7 days prior to the onset of the scheduled period the 7 days is stretching the limits. It's rare to detect a pregnancy three days after conception with a urine test; the earliest detection is a blood test. Wait out the next 24-48 hours.


Posted: 30 Sep 17:55

The odds are pretty high that we avoided this pregnancy right?
I mean, I know that no matter what there's always a chance when you have sex, but its pretty much not going to happen right?!


Posted: 30 Sep 17:55

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