OP: Do condoms make sex safe from stds?

I understand that using a condom lowers one's risk of getting and or transmitting a std. How can a man give a woman a std while using one? I guess I'm asking can a man have a std and transmit it to me thru our exterior genitals touching, not his penis.


Posted: 29 Sep 23:58


Using a condom lowers the risk of disease transmission; does not eliminate the risk. Similar to using condoms for contaception.

Condoms do not protect agisnt herpes outbreaks that are not covered by the condom.

I do not know what you mean by your "external genitals touching, not his penis." His penis represents the external genitalia most needed to be touched. What else would you be touching?


Posted: 29 Sep 23:58

Hi Brandye, I read that you are over in Scotland. That's where my mom was born. She left Port Glasgow when she was 3 and moved to Canada, sister 6, brother 9, mom 32 and I'm not sure how old her dad was. That was in 1927. I got a chuckle when I read that the mom's bring their daughter's to you. I'm 47 and well don't know a lot. Mom handed me a stack of phamphlets and that was our talk. Are all Scottish women this timid? My dad is Irish so timid isn't a word to describe me.
What I am asking is are there stds that may be transferred because a condom only covers the head and shaft of the penis and not the other parts, balls ect.


Posted: 29 Sep 23:58

I was raised in the Hebrides. Thank goodness my mother was not a Scot and believed in a bit of knowledge. This is as repressive a place as there sexually.

Yes, herpes can be anywhere in the pubic area and can be transmitted outside a condom.

The more common STD' are delivered to us by semen which has just traversed a diseased urethra. These are blocked by a properly used condom.


Posted: 29 Sep 23:59

Thanks Brandye, you are a big help, either to the girls that come to you for their 1st visit or to us over the internet. I just don't think my mom knew how to sit and talk with me about this. So when I brought home the paper that said she could send away for this packet she was all over it. And I still remember her giving it to me, I was 12 or 13 so that was 1973 or 1974. My parents had been married for 15 years before I came along, and 11 for the first.
We found out after they had passed away that my dad's mom (she died a year before I was born) had had a daughter when she was 18 in 1906 in Ireland, not married. As she was not married she gave the baby and his wife to raise and moved to Canada by herself. She never told anyone about this daughter, so when my dad passed in 1987, at almost 70, he never knew he had a sister.
She infact had moved to Canada as a young woman, had found my grandmother and when she went to my grandmothers door, the door was slammed shut. She had put that behind her and didn't want to look back. I am now in contact with some of that womans kids and grandkids who know more of the story but it makes you realize what 100 years will do and how different each of the countries truly are.


Posted: 29 Sep 23:59

Hey uh i recently became sexually active and i had sex with someone and now i have a bump on my left side of penis, i squeezed it and a tinny bit of puss came out It doesnt hurt at all and sometimes it seems smaller than usuall like its kinda going away, i tried to be smart and wore a condom but, can herpes still spread throu condom? O and i didnt see any open sores on the girls Vagina


Posted: 30 Sep 01:48

Herpes can be spread even if the infected partner isnt showing any signs...and they can spread even if you are wearing a condom.


Posted: 30 Sep 01:49

Some studies indicate that up to 70% of herpes cases were passed on when it was not active in the infected partner. Herpes lesions are often outside the area covered by a condom and it often shows up in men other than on the penis. It is a very difficult disease to protect against.

Go get checked.


Posted: 30 Sep 01:49

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