Excuse me while I become stupid, but what the fudgenut is the "rhythm method"?
What does rhythm have to do with BC?
The condom is always the safest bet to use with another form of birth control.
Nothing is of course 100%, even if you use every form their is out there (such as the pill, condom with that noxlkjglfkglfdgjljd 9 stuff, female condom, and spermicide lube), but the more you use, the better your chances are of something not getting through.
But really, even if you're both clean, you should still use a condom because it's going to stop at least a fair amount of them little squirmmies (yes, I just said that but it's 12:30 in the morning and I'm tired. lol.) and it's a lot better than letting them swim around freely inside of her.
Posted: 27 Sep 05:04