OP: Increase volume of semen?

is there a way to increase the amount? i have noticed that the amount has decreased over the last couple of years is ther somthing wrong or is this normal as you get older im 49

OP: dd 08/29/2012

Posted: 23 Sep 04:53


Age, level of hydration, stress, hormone levels - all can affect amounts but remember all it takes is one active spermatazoon to do the job so really there's no use in worrying over this. Just imagine giving forth a 55 gallon drum's worth of sperm - what a mess! And you can stop watching pornography - all that 'sperm' is made up of cornstarch. And anyway, after having 5 orgasms/ejaculations in 45 minutes - yes, the later ejaculations do tend to be a bit dry.


Posted: 23 Sep 04:53

You reached your peak performance about twenty years ago and there has been a monotonic decrease ever since in both volume and power of your ejaculate. It is around age 40 that most men really start to notice. As a teen your ejaculate likely traveled feet; now inches; eventually it will dribble out in even more decreased volume. Your refractory time will also lengthen. A part of the normal aging process.


Posted: 23 Sep 04:54

thank you for replying to my post my job keeps me gone from home for weeks and sometimes a couple months at a time so my sex life suffers until i get back home to my wife for short visits so im not concerned about massive loads but the volume and as you stated the distance concerned me im not happy about the amount getting less and less and just dribbling out :) but i guess thats life like i stated im not concerned about massive amounts at all but is there vitamains or other things i can take to keep the volume from decreasing ? and will the kegal exercises help with the power of the ejaculation ( i dont want it to just dribble out) or is it to just help with premature issuses


Posted: 23 Sep 04:54

Just out of curiosity, but semen volume seems to me to be a "man" thing. By that I mean men think "woohoo I wan like a cup and a 1/2 to come out!" but women would just as soon have less. Is that true? I mean even if it's your thing to have it shoot all over you how often do women think "gee if there was only MORE of this running out of me all day long".


Posted: 23 Sep 04:55

Every drop we get out of you is a drop we have to deal with. OK, no big deal but .....

You men ejaculate a bit less than a tablespoonful or about 10 cc. Ten percent, by volume, is sperm and the other ninety percent, prostatic fluid or, mostly, semen. All of it taken together is generally called "semen." About one-half of the semen drains out of us, hence, the "wetspot" though most of it stays in and around the pudenda. You would find it interesting sometime after you and your significant other get it on to illuminate yourselves with an ultra-violet light. All the body fluids will glow and you will be amazed how much of you, each, is covered. Another way to find this out is to put down a maroon towel and go at it during her period. Then you do not need an ultra-violet light but you will miss much - such as the semen. Incidentally, one of the first things we do when a rape victim comes in is get out the uv.

The drainage from us continues for several hours in small amounts but when we pee the next morning, the aroma of semen is evident. The other half of the semen is absorbed through our vaginal walls and enters our bloodstreams. Some women have reported that about twenty minutes after vaginal sex they can taste semen. It is part of the blood serum at this point and is "sweating through" the mucous lining of the cheeks.

The few hundred million sperm are too large to be absorbed, so if they are not caught in the drainage, they swim around our innards for three or four days. They can be found in our vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes, abdomenal cavity and all along the crevice from the pubic bone to the tailbone. That includes entering any orifice they can find. A urine sample the morning after will usually show sperm in her urine.

In short, you are quite correct, we do not want any more than what we have normally coming to us.


Posted: 23 Sep 04:55

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