OP: Sex during period?

I had unprotected sex with my girlfriend during her period. She kept the tampon in and this did not cause her any pain nor any mess.

This would also be on the week in which she does not have to take the pill before starting a new pack.

Was this OK to do?


Posted: 27 Sep 05:07


while its possible to get a girl pregnant during her period id say you were ok since she's on the pill anyways
also, how do you have sex w/ a tampon in?
just barely stick it in or what?
i can't imagine doing that just seems like it would be way too uncomfortable.
there just isn't enough room in there for a tampon and a penis.


Posted: 27 Sep 05:08

i would like to know this too.

i find tampons uncomfortable to begin with and having sex with it in, is just um, no. lol.


Posted: 27 Sep 05:08

*blink*... a tampon.. in.. when having sex.. i duno about you but.. that seems damn near impossible. cause.. its yea.. umm that can cause alot of health problems can't it???being jabbed up... into her cervex or.. whereever the hell it goes.. but yea.. i wouldnt... advise that



Posted: 27 Sep 05:08

It seems to work ok. I`m not sure of the mechanics of it all though LOL


Posted: 27 Sep 05:08

i still can't imagine it
are you sure she was wearing one?
there was a string hanging out and everything?
im w/ jamie, i can't imagine it being jabbed up into my cervix


Posted: 27 Sep 05:08

Hay, yea.. cause.. well maybe she used one of those OB ones.. that are like thissss (--------) big.. lol those really small ones?.... either that or your small. lol those are my conclusions.. cause.. i swear.. it can't be healthy...



Posted: 27 Sep 05:09

I enjoy sex during my period. With men, it is usually a mess but that is what towels are for. I did have one partner who, when I had left a tampon in, would gently put the head in me and then I would tickle or rub him. He did go deeper but the only problem is raching in to find the string. With my g/f we do not have that problem!!


Posted: 27 Sep 05:09

I'm surprised no one mention TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome). I wouldnt be surprised if having intercourse while a tampon is inserted is not safe or sanitary, but also a turn off!! I sure as hell would take out the tampon before ANYTHING went into my vagina!!

But whatever floats ur boat...


Posted: 27 Sep 05:09

I don't think TSS would be cause cause someone had sex with a tampon in.
TSS is mostly caused by leaving the tampon in too long and using an extra absorbant (sp?) tampon when it's not needed.


Posted: 27 Sep 05:10

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