If you want the reliable answer, talk to your doctor - maybe not a special visit or anything, but at your next check up. But, just for reference:

Occasionally, when I've really drawn things out (get close, back off, get close, back off ... etc ...) for a long time (like hours), I've had a little bit of pain which, as you say, occurs with each pump. I wouldn't describe it as a burning sensation, though. More like a crampy or sharpish localized stingy pain down in the vicinity of the balls.

I just figured that it was a simple matter of over-working the mechanism. It didn't strike me as particularly worrisome. It doesn't occur any other time, everything works fine, and all the usual tests come back clean.

My only suggestion is: if you want to prolong the session, do it by coming twice, rather than drawing one out so far that it gets ridiculous. You can probably go as long as anyone could possibly want on the second one, with relatively minimal efforts at self-control. Unfortunately, this doesn't do much for your wife's desire for a huge load ... maybe you can convince her to cumulate the two?


Posted: 23 Sep 05:05