We could get into a philosophical debate between US and European physicians but while that would interest your doctor and me, you would not learn much. In my European view, the use of the anti-biotics repeatedly has allowed whatever is infecting you to become resistant to the one drug being used. The only answer, if this is the case, is to go to a stronger anit-biotic.
I absolutely agree with your doctor that you should be tested for chlamydia and gonorrhea. As careful as you seem to have been, condoms have a failure rate with STD just as they have with pregnancy. Both of these bacterial diseases can be carried and transmitted without symptoms in the carrier, such as your b/f. That is not accusative of your b/f; it is the reality of STDs. They can be sneaky.
I would not jump to the conclusion that your doctor is not competent. I would recommed that as soon as you show any symptoms, get to a clinic or other test site to eliminate the STD angle. Then see what is recommended. In the meantime, you and your b/f, without condoms. may be passing something back and forth. How about you both get tested and use condoms until you get to the bottom of this.
Posted: 28 Sep 00:22