OP: Tampon preferences, brands, recommendations?

Well, I do actually know how to use one now, thanks to the internet and some trial and error. But I've noticed that the two brands (Tampax Pearl and Playtex Gentle Glide) that I have tried do not stay in one place. Even once I have positioned it with the applicator and with my finger, they tend to slip down and press uncomfortably against the very outsides of the vagina. I finally succeeded in getting one to stay put, but it involved an hour spent in the saddle schooling my horse, which is generally not something that I can do in the morning after I put the thing in.

Are there specific brands that tend to stay in place better than others? Should I be looking for a different size or style? I have heard that OB tampons are flexible and more likely to stay in place, but it's very difficult for me to position a tampon with my finger, so I think that a tampon without an applicator is not an option for me.

In addition, a generic question; is there any problem with going to sleep with a tampon in? I'm not exactly Sleeping Beauty so I doubt that I'll ever zonk out for more than 10 hours, but is the risk of TSS negligible enough that it would be all right, or should pads be used?


Posted: 24 Sep 00:07


They are chosen based upon the flow. Then they will expand and stay in place. Get the mixed box & use different absorbency's based on the need. They are fine over night. TSS? Many were leaving them in too long or forgetting they had them. Had to pick a few surprises out of people--they could not understand why they had discomfort.


Posted: 24 Sep 00:08

Isn't it a good idea to leave it out for a good few hours every 24 hours anyway? So overnight makes sense, right? Even if timing won't affect TSS at all.


Posted: 24 Sep 00:10

No need to leave them out; the need is to change them frequently. IE: Every 8 hours or so. The issue arises when they are left [forgotten for 7 days]. TSS is not an issue if they are changed as required. I recall years ago [I was about 13] my father forbid the use of them secondary to his friends daughter died of TSS. Open the box and read the insert. Get a box of mixed sized for flow rates. I have used them for well about 30 years without issue. Proper hygiene and cleanliness is imperative. Pads? Those I found nasty. If required, add a panty liner if there are leakage concerns on heavy days.


Posted: 24 Sep 00:10

FYI: I do not get to do the "fun" part of ob/gyn work. I get the rapes, impaled objects, forgotten objects, BC failure, etc. I worked as a SANE--sexual abuse nurse examiner in the ER as part of what I wanted to do while I was just a RN. Later went on to NP school in Family Practice. Yes, rarely I have to do a gyn exam for those who are non-compliant seeing a Gyn, or prescribe emergency contraception if the gyns are not around---and yes these calls come in at 2 am. Or if in the walk in emergency center; a gyn exam has to be done for lacerations or to r/o an acute AP in patients. Few emergency births---most from out of town or young women who "did not know " they were pregnant. Delivered one in the back of the car from a set of parents who were not local. Face it ER docs cannot stand to do it and run...gyns are too far when some lady is crowning. Thankfully all were born healthy. Gyn work is not my forte...but I do it. Liked trauma for years, found it's better for the younger....after a while you only want to see so much of it. Prefer Cardiac...Give me a good inferior wall MI...I am in my glory [or a pacer patient]! Requires much use of your brain and I loose very few...they used to call me the TPA queen!


Posted: 24 Sep 00:11

I can't use the ones with applicators...they're...too long...and always move, always feel in the wrong spot. Try OB, just wash your hands and use your finger its no big deal to touch yourself. I always wear tampons overnight because I can't STAND pads. I only ever use the panty liner type ones you can't feel, on the last day (because otherwise I get "sore" from inserting tampons) Most of the time I bleed through it in the middle of the night, and get up and replace it. Occasionally I sleep through the night and it might be in a bit over 8 hours, but I just wash myself and start fresh, never had a problem. And for the record I don't understand how women can "lose" them inside. :confused: I would never forget...lol.


Posted: 24 Sep 00:12

Trust me women forget...and they also forget to remove b/c such as a sponge or diaphragm...ask them what jelly they use---you don't want their answer!

This is not common though!!!!


Posted: 24 Sep 00:12

I think OB are the best - most comfortable and reliable. Honestly I think they are easier to put in than the kind with applicators. I agree with Sera - pads are yucky!


Posted: 24 Sep 00:12

Pads are disgusting and having used them for too long because I was unable to use tampons, I am OVER them. Over, over, over.

I find the OB ones difficult to position, but have finally found a tampon that stays in place no matter how much riding, running, or general working out I do. The Playtex Sport works quite well for me. The other ones, as they expanded, would slip; this one for whatever reason stays put.


Posted: 24 Sep 00:13

Their methodology is a bit harsh. They are trying to prevent unwanted buildup of fluids and bacteria. The majority of women have used them for their entire life and never had any problems. I know long ago my father had a friend whose daughter died of TSS they were banned for about 6 months in our house (I was 13). I swore...never again to pads. Bedtime super absorbent heavy duty ones and change in the am--ASAP since you find as soon as you get up you need to anyway. Plus I also shower or bathe frequently one of each a day; therefore, always changing---despise the mess and any odors.


Posted: 24 Sep 00:13

lol I'm too heavy to even have chance to worry about the 8 hours thing.. it wouldn't be possible for me to leave one too long =/ And since hygiene is a long shot from alien to me, I guess I'll be fine.
And aha that's good to know ^_^
Right seeya, pads.. it wasn't actually good knowing you :)


Posted: 24 Sep 00:14

I think a larger size is the best option.

How do they slip out?? Even when it's time for a new one, I have to squat.. I guess you can say.. to expand the opening.

I only used pads the very first three months I had my period.. I would say 4 years ago. I hated them! I was always paranoid wondering if I had a "stain". I use Tampax Pearl, I find them reliable and comfortable.

Also don't understand how someone puts it in wrong.

Tampax Pearl and panty liner, I'm set!

I've always slept with a tampon in, no problems!


Posted: 24 Sep 00:14

I highly recommend any woman look into a menstrual cup - Diva, Mooncup, Keeper. They are expensive upfront but last a long time. My Keeper (latex) lasted seven years; My present Diva is at least that old. They may look daunting to get in the first few times but I have never had an accident.

If the tampons are moving around, they are not placed correctly.


Posted: 24 Sep 00:15

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