OP: No period after 2 years off of Depo...

I haven't had my period since my daughter was born which is 4 years ago. After she was born I started getting the Depo shot. I stopped getting it 2 years ago. I was wondering if this shot has something to do with me not having my period now and if I don't have it wouldn't that mean I will not get pregnant? I have been trying to tell my husband that I have to have a period to show that I have ovalated, but he doesn't believe me. He is scared of getting me pregnant.


Posted: 28 Sep 21:26


If you've been off Depo that long and not had a period, something is not working right. Have you asked your doctor about this?

Is certainly is possible that you've not ovulated, but that is not normal if you're not on some medication that prevents it (assuming you're pre-menopausal).

Have you been using some other form of BC since you got off the shot (if it's been two years, I have to assume you've still been sexually active in the interim).


Posted: 28 Sep 21:26

I have an appointment with my GYN in October. I am only 27 years old so I am not pre monopausal. I haven't used any BC since the shot. I don't even have cramping ( except for gas cramps). I have read that some people's bodies take up to 3 years to get back to be able to conceive again. But then again I have heard that some have become sterile or it taking 5 years to conceive. Then there is the other factors that will stop the period, stress, weight being off wack, etc.

I thought that I would get some more opinions on this before I talked to my GYN. But I am still going to talk to her about this. Thank You.


Posted: 28 Sep 21:27

I was also on the Depo shot, and started it 12 days before by 18th bday, and was on it for 2 1/2 years. then before my 20th bday got off of it, and was supposed to be on Yasmin bc pills. When i first switched over I had one period. I do have a hard time remembering to take them, but I am now 22, and hadnt have my period, had sex twice in the last year, and hadnt got pregnant (not trying) but this past month got on the bc again hoping to regulate my period more, and I amazingly got it. i went to the doctor's and everything they tested me for a lot of different things, but everything came out normal. I hope that from now on my periods are more regular, but will this screw me in the future with trying to have kids?

Forgotten love

Posted: 28 Sep 21:28

Sorry it has been so long since I talked last. I went to my GYN and found out that I have PCOS. She put me on the pill. I have had my period each month I have taken the pill. The first one was brown stuff. The second was a regular period for me. The third one has thrown me way off. It was late, it started after I took the 6th pill. Plus it only lasted for about 6-8 hours. Now I am getting close to being done with the 4th pack and my breast are very tender, and slightly swolen. I am bloated also. Boy if it isn't one thing it is another. I just don't know what is going on with my body and it is driving me wacky. So any ideas would be greatful. Thank you

Forgotten Love, if your periods are regular now you shouldn't have any problems conceiving in the future. Exspecially if all the test your doctor did come out normal. Just remember all the factors that can make your period off wack, Stress and Weight are goods ones for it.

One thing I forgot to say. I only missed 2 pills before I started this last pack. Because of insurance problems. Other then that I haven't missed any.


Posted: 28 Sep 21:28

my mom had the depo shot, i dont know how many years. but i know that after she stopped taking it she never had her period again. she was young too.. like 33. scary stuff- im never doing it.


Posted: 28 Sep 21:28

Hotlips, I'm not surprised you have PCOS, the drug depo provera has many odd side effects. My family doctor said depo caused my bone density loss. I had my bone density checked last year, after taking depo nine years ago for a year and a half. Please get your bone density checked so that if it's low, you take calcium and vitamin D supplements. My doc prescribed over 1200 mg a day calcium and 800 mg of vitamin D. Plus, weight bearing exercise up to five days a week. I had no sex drive on depo, grew man hair on my chin, and now have the happy outcome of brittle bones. Not having a period is normal on depo. After I stopped taking it, it took another year and a half before I had any signs of a period.


Posted: 28 Sep 21:29

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