Your wife is just as stressed out as you are.
She works with fiends in human form all day, deals with parents, deals with the educational bureaucracy all day and then comes home to an empty house and the bills, the things in the house that need attending to, the cooking, the cleaning, the laundry, the upkeep, the trash, and 1 or 2 days a week to a husband who only wants to fuck her repeatedly, doesn't want to help out, doesn't want to deal with anything - and you're SURPRISED she begins to see you as 'just another person who wants another pound of flesh out of her"???
All take and no give is the fast way into the divorce court, buddy.
You're not 28, you're 18 at most while she's rapidly feeling a million six years old. She doesn't feel sexy, desired, loved for more than her sexy hot body since that's ALL you ever talk about. She works two jobs to your one and you 're complaining you're 'not getting enough'? Count yourself lucky you still have two testicles. And if you think going out with her girlfriends is enough 'fun' to replace that hole in her heart - think again.
You want her to feel desire for you? The get down on your knees and scrub the damn toilet for once! Take some of the burden from those slender shoulders of hers. Be her knight in shining armor for once instead of just another "job" she has to do. Try listening to the lady and finding out what SHE would like for change! The reason why she's not jumping your bones is you have turned her OFF. The bedroom is "all about you" which leaves no room for her. Why should she talk since you're not listening anyway - she's sees it as a big waste of her time so she starts a fight to shut you up.
Yes, she still loves, and desires you but there is so much 'baggage' between you - your unrelenting "I gotta have" and her seething resentment of and repressed anger toward you that she can only let go if she drinks too much and cannot think straight. Is THAT the sex you want?
Posted: 06 Oct 19:22