OP: Just got an IUD!

I got the IUD Copper. And its amazing.
I was really worried at first about it.
I was scared to have stuff "Inserted" In me.
But really all you feel is some Pressure!.
And you will have birthcontrol for 10 years!!!:D
Amazing! But what made me even more get it. You can have it taken out after 1-2 years of having it in.
You have some bleeding for a week or so.
And some people are period free!( Im not but some are)
You dont have to take anything daily which works.
Actually you dont have to do anything but get that inserted.
And you dont feel it.
Some people may feel kinda sick for a little( I didnt)
But its nothing huge. and you dont need to change it weekly or monthly.. just after 10 years.
When i heard this i knew i wanted it.
just thought i'd share with you all!:)


Posted: 28 Sep 00:50


I am a booster of IUDs. They fell out of favor twenty-five years ago because of one brand that caused serious problems. This is one of the oldest forms of birth control. On Formosa, now Taiwan, pebbles from a magical stream have been inserted for over 1000 years. Both camel drivers in the desert and oxen drivers in other parts of the world have used stones to keep their beasts pulling. This may indicat use among humans in those cultures, too.

Glad you like it.


Posted: 28 Sep 00:51

It has been around for along time. BUT they have made it even better. And they have different types of the IUD. they have the copper one and hormonal and non-hornomal. ( Sp). So actually its newer.
And yeah i love it. And it has worked great for me. Im not saying its for everyone. But for me it was. And others may too.


Posted: 28 Sep 00:51

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