I saw this article when it was published. I have very mixed feelings on the topic.
Rawbob, I agree that the gay teen suicide rate is horrendous- higher than for any other group. I am also well acquainted with gay-bashing. Not personally, but I have friends who were. I have personal experience with discrimination in the workplace. The idea that these children would have a safe and accepting environment is very appealing. But is it truly doing them a favor?
We all begin to learn how to deal with the world around us from what we experience in school. What happens when these kids reach college level and want to go to a regular school? Will they be one of the ones hazed to death by bigoted frat brothers?
Admittedly, gay people tend to self-segregate-all groups do(like to like)-but I can't feel that is the right answer. Diversity equals strength. That is what we should be teaching our kids. It's just easier to separate them. Unfortunately, the easy path is seldom the right one.
Posted: 30 Sep 22:54