OP: unprotected with a prostitute ;(

about 2 days ago i got really drunk and had unprotected oral sex with a prostitute and I know my penis came very close to her or was in her vagina for a brief moment. I was really drunk and I know that was no excuse and now im seeing the danger that I have put myself in. What should be my next move. I went to get tested but was told It was way too early. I dont think I have any symptoms other than being sick to my stomach for what I have done. Please help me I dont want my gf to find out. But I am freaking out and could really use some help and advice.


Posted: 30 Sep 04:13


Sorry to hear that. Yes, you are too early to get tested. That is because different STD's show up only after a certain timeframe. Herpes will usually appear 1-2 weeks after contact. Chlamydia and gonorrhea can be tested 3 weeks after. For syphilis, hepB and HIV you're going to have to wait 3 months before it can be tested reliably. The latter 3 will be tested via blood samples. The former by taking a urine sample and/or a swap of the urethra and since you mention oral sex: your throat. Please mention the oral sex part to your doctor. No need to wait it out to get it all tested at one go! Consult your doctor and plan your testing together.

Remember that most STD's do not cause any or no clear or visible symptoms in many people, but could damage your body when left untreated in the long run. Also; don't think that if a symptom shows up and goes away on it's own you're off the hook, since that doesn't mean it's left your body. Not to mention how you could infect others. So please get tested even if you don't develop symptoms. And if you do notice something, like ulcers, it's best to get back to the doctor, even if you've not passed the mentioned timeframe. They can extract some of the fluid from it and see what caused it. Syphilis can sometimes be discovered earlier than 3 months if you discover an ulcer, for example. Sorry; I know, these are not the most pleasant details, but in this case may be worth knowing.

Unless you believe you won't be having sex with your girlfriend the upcoming 3 months, perhaps reconsider how to deal with her? I don't know what precautions you usually take together. And I know this is a touchy subject. But personally: I'd rather hear from my bf that he's unsure whether it's safe to have sex with me, so that I can decide what I feel comfortable with. Than at one point hear that I should get tested myself, because he picked up something during the time I trusted him to be sexually exclusive with me, yet he decided to leave me oblivious of that fact and continued our sexual encounters as usual.

I hope this helps. Sorry I can't provide anything to reassure you at this point to lift the suspense. Try to calm yourself and not panic too much. What's done is done. All you can do now is wait for the results and behave responsibly. Using breathing exercises or meditation if that helps you cope.


Posted: 30 Sep 04:13

Thank you for your help I appreciate it its been almost a week and im starting to have a tingling sensation in the head of my penis it doesnt hurt to urinte but I also feel like I may have a bladder infection it hurts. 3 days after exposure I was dizzy had a headache and didnt get out of bed all day. My health insurance expired last week so thats another issue I am thinking of trying to go to a health clinic. I recieved the oral sex, and My penis came very close to her vagina and probably in for just a few moments. I thought the pain I was feeling was made up in my head but now I know it is real. What should I do knowing now that I have symptoms?


Posted: 30 Sep 04:13

Have it checked out
That's the best advice I can give you. I think it will give you at least some peace of mind to discuss this with a medical professional. Which I'm not. Just a gal with a nose for retrieving information and a good set of brains ;)

The expiration of your health insurance at this point is unfortunate. I'm not familiar with your health care system (where I live I'm not even allowed to have no health insurance ;)) Do you have free clinics? Even anonymous? Or could you perhaps call the assistant or nurse practitioner of your regular physician's office and ask to evaluate your situation together and plan on what to do? They'll be qualified to give you proper (preliminary) advice, even to some extent remote, particularly since they'll have your medical file. Don't neglect to ask them to provide you with information on the estimated costs as well. That way you'll be able to make informed decission on both the health and financial aspect.

Hope this helps... Good luck!


Posted: 30 Sep 04:14

so I went to the local health clinic. She examined me and told me that its rare that adult men get uti's because my bladder testicles and penis head hurt. She thought it was chlymedia or gohnorea so she gave me 1000mg of azithromyacine antibiotic but didnt blood test me I just gave a urine sample. she said it should clear up in 3-7 days. My gf and I had sex 3 days after exposure It only lasted 5 minutes because i wanted to end it asap. I know she could have gotten infected but I cant tell her. She hates condoms and we have never used them so I know we cant just start now. I KNo chlymedia usually doesnt show symptoms in woman but can be really bad if unchecked . My plan is just to assume I didnt infect her wait 7-10 days to start having sex again then in 3 months get std and HIV test to make sure and if I have gonnorea or chlymedia again il know I infected her and would possibly tell her to get treatment. Is this terrible? should I take any other precautions thanks?


Posted: 30 Sep 04:14

WTF was the nurse thinking of. She should have tested you then and made arrangements for later for infections that dont test straight away.

I assume you are in the US? Are there no online testing services where you take your own samples and mail them to the lab. Certainly exist in the UK.

You are very very unlucky to have caught an infection. Massive assumption from the nurse.

Posted: 13 Jul 12:32

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