OP: Tummy Hardening after orgasm (20 weeks)

I am almost 20 weeks pregnant now and I have a question. Lately as my tummy has gotten bigger after I orgasm my tummy gets hard. Almost as if I am having a brakston hicks contraction....is this normal?
It is rather distracting sometimes...almost as if my mother instinct kicks in while I am experiencing pleasure. It makes the baby move more also.


Posted: 30 Sep 18:44


That happened to me as well. I started getting BH at around 22 weeks pregnant.


Posted: 30 Sep 18:44

Braxton Hicks are a potential explanation although at twenty weeks, they would be a bit early. While not unknown in the second trimester, they become more common in the third.

It us possible that you are on the verge of these contractions and your orgasm simply triggers them. If you are at all at risk, talk to your doctor about this. While sex is perfectly acceptable during pregnancy, there are sometimes contraindications. It is fairly well documented that many women experience an increase in sexual desire and response during the second trimester of pregnancy.

In almost all cases this is great. Better to be on the safe side and ask your ob.


Posted: 30 Sep 18:45

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