There is a problem with terminology commonly used. HPV comes in 100 varieties - actually a few more - and different ones cause different issues. For instance there are four that are associated with cervical cancer to show up years later. Probably 50% of the population carries these and are sexually active beings. Condoms do afford pretty good protection against these. This is diagnosed through a pap smear like procedure.
Genital herpes and genital warts show up on the external genitalia. Caused by different virus' in the same horrible family. Condoms may or may not afford protection because the lesions often appear in areas not covered by the condom.
I assume that your doctor did not administer the Gardasil. Once sexually active, the success of the vaccine is limited. That is the reason that in most nations the age for administration is so low.
The doctor should have explained what you have and what are the limits on the sexual activity. If not, call and talk with the nurse. Your partner already has it? What treatment are either of you receiving? Did the doctor talk about outbreaks? Are you male or female?
The "fight off" comment would usually be used with a woman whose diagnosis came from vaginal (actually cervical) smears. I do not wish to assume too much.
You have already seen a doctor and all the questions you have and will think up over the next few weeks should be handled by that office. Another doctor would have to start from scratch - or at least have access to your chart.
Posted: 23 Sep 23:23