OP: Started the pill, period became irregular (so far)

There's so many of these, I feel almost lame not taking my time to read through them all.. but, I'm not the only one, so I guess that's alright :O

I'm currently on one of the many different types of birth control that's out there. I've had little side effects, which I'm happy for, but I do have one and it's driving my nuts.
When I started the pills, I was just ending my period, and I was regular by then too, so it was about a month until I started my next period. However, I started lightly bleeding two weeks later, and have been since. Right now I'm on the last few pills (they're brown, "reminder pills" I think they are) and no I'm starting to bleed again, after a few days of not bleeding.

Should I talk to my doctor about switching the type of pill I'm using? Or, is it simply my body adjusting to the pills and it should go away next month?

I'm hesitant to switch to a different pill, because I didn't have many side effects. However, I don't want to be bleeding so much... it's so... annoying that way.

Just curious :)


Posted: 29 Sep 20:52


It takes sometime for your body to get used to them, what you are experiencing is breakthrough bleeding and yes, when you take your "reminder" pills it's normal to bleed again; this is when your period would begin. You should notice next month it should not happen, if it does it should be just a tiny amount compared to this time. It most often appears the first pack.


Posted: 29 Sep 20:52

Yes, there are many pills on the market plus other hormonal systems such as the shot, the implant and the ring. In the first few months, many (perhaps most) women have some adjustment problems.

After a few months, you discuss what side-effects are acceptable. I have had women with mild to not noticeable side-effects decide the pill was not for them; I have had women with break-through bleeding everymonth who were perfectly happy. Some women find the side-effects lessen with time and others, get worse.

And, yes, it is lame; this has been responded to so many times.


Posted: 29 Sep 20:52

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