OP: Hymen Blockage?

my lovely girlfriend and i have been having a few problems penetrating her vagina. it has happened before but once we left it a couple of days it would be okay? but since she has had her last period about 5 days ago, we have had no luck inserting, it is sore to apply pressure even with my tounge which isn't normal. could this be a hymen problem that it hasn't broken properly and is now filled the vaginal opening? or if it sounds like any other problem please share.

thank you


Posted: 23 Sep 22:48


There are many possible reasons for this. The most likely is that she is involuntarily contracting the muscles around the introitus. To give any advice, we would need to know whether she has ever been penetrated, what, if any, lubrication is being used and what experience you each have.

Not likely a hymen issue.


Posted: 23 Sep 22:49

Could it be irritation from tampons? Or worse, a forgotten tampon and left in?
I don't want to sound gross, but that does happen and it even happened to me. It wasn't in there long enough to cause toxic shock syndrome but was in there long enough to inflame my vagina. Because the Dr's where afraid of TSS, they put me in the hospital overnight to administer antibiotics and antivirals as a propholactic measure.
Another culprit could be douching which isn't ever a good idea but some woman do it to feel cleaner. But the problem with douching is it strips the vagina of it's flora making getting opportunistic infections easier.
Lastly, after menstration, a woman's hormonal cycle bottoms out so to speak. Her estrogen and testosterone is at it's lowest immediately after her period ends making physical arousal more difficult ( not impossible ). She may need more foreplay and more time to become aroused. It's always a good idea to have some lube handy.


Posted: 23 Sep 22:49

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