OP: Lasting quite a while.

Im 18 and me and my gf have been going out for a little more than a year. we dont have sex, cus we both want to wait for marriage, but sadly we are human.

So we just have oral sex. :)

i used to have trouble getting off with her giving me oral when we first started doing it, but she got better at it, or i was less weird or something, but yeah. now im lasting like 45 mins to an hour, before i can get off, or i tell her that she can stop if she wants, usually she doesn't but then it just ends up getting soft.

I know its not her cus she does all the techniques and what not, and it feels amazing and i know its not her cus she used to get me off in like 5 mins if she wanted to.

anyway, i feel really bad about it cus she thinks she is bad at it, and i dont know what to tell her.

How can i fix this? cus i want to keep getting great head.

ihatewestseneca 03/06/2007

Posted: 23 Sep 05:52


If you decide to wait until marriage, then that's up to both of you.

Anyway, I personally have the same problem as your girlfriend. I cannot get my boyfriend to come through oral sex alone. If she isn't already, she can try combining oral sex and jacking you off at the same time. Just a guess, but maybe you're lasting longer and longer because you are physically getting used to the sensations so you require more stimulation before you can come?

I would tell your girlfriend the truth, that what she does feels great. Maybe even show her the post if you need to get the point across?


Posted: 23 Sep 05:52

I would agree with your statement IF a couple was not involved in foreplay and stopping well short of it. By the time a couple are getting each other off, they have had plenty of time to evaluate "chemistry" and the effects of pheromones and "sparks" flying in the air between them. Read: compatibility.

That said, why wait? Because there is a once in a lifetime event that occurs between a bride and groom that does not happen with casual sex or between unmarried people; and, it does not happen with the same intensity when you have had intercourse before with a previous spouse. What "this" is is a bonding and a melding of the two psyches if only for a moment in time that is part of the PART II of the marriage ceremony--the consumation. What you feel is amazing and it is missing with casual intercourse. This event is well worth the wait IMHO.

There is a big difference between lasting 45 mins and it taking that long. From what I get from reading this is that it is taking this long or longer and you often just give up or give out and do not enjoy the fruit of your labor. Is this correct?


Posted: 23 Sep 05:53

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