Ditto to Brandye's post...I would ask your gyn about the use of the Dianette RX given your history of autoimmune disorder--RA. I assume you acquired the symptoms which they traced back to JRA with an onset around 8-10 years old.
You are 19 and have been on the pill since what? 13 y/o? There have been more advances over time in BC methods. I would seriously ask if the RX was due to your history & now having the symptoms of depression, etc. A switch is indicated.
No need to "freak out" just discuss your concerns with both your Gyn & Rheumatologist. I agree given your symptoms I would have also taken you off the Dianette and to the new RX. Breakthrough bleeding is not such a big deal & often the accompanying complaints take up to 3 months to dissipate.
Do not attempt to interpret medical studies; ask your prescriber to explain. Preventing a unwanted pregnancy is imperative for you since you are currently taking the MTX and the other symptoms can be addressed secondarily. MTX use if you became accidentally become pregnant warrants a termination of pregnancy & that's a tough choice to place on a young person who wants a full life of children. In essence, there is no true choice with the MTX & a unplanned pregnancy which is why I said when you get there [wanting a child] look at the use of Prednisone if a med is required for the RA--it's the only one approved if required; however, it has it's own complications but not near the same as the Anti-TNF, Chemo-therapeutic meds, or Coxx2 inhibitors.
I would doubt you have any real concerns regarding the long term use of the Dianette. If you wish to see other routine medications and the potential side effects look up ASA or APAP commonly known as Aspirin & Tylenol...read through a PDR on both...enough to scare anyone away from them! relax, please! The last matter you need right now is added stress & I never intended to place this level on you. Just be informed & weigh the risks/benefits with YOUR MD. Regardless of the medication used for Hormonal BC; pregnancy prevention is essential for you until you are ready to choose and to be followed closely by your MD's. Being on MTX makes it more of a required prevention. However, given the psychological risks associated with Dianette for you; your MD is correct in the change. Breakthrough bleeding is NOTHING!
Your obligation is to ask, to question, and to be informed...yet if you are suffering depression and became suicidal [assuming] that outweighs everything since life for you is the first priority--all else can be adjusted thereafter. No panic required...RELAX!
Posted: 30 Sep 02:25