I have the same problem, and nothing helps. Depo didn't, progesterone only didn't, my IUD with progesterone doesn't really (okay maybe I have cramps one less day or so). Hot baths /heat packs are a temporary solution. I've given up hope, my gyne said it might be endometriosis, but all he said he could do was do laser surgery that might help, but he wants to wait until I am close to having a child, and wanted to wait to see how the IUD works. I have an appointment on the 21st, my yearly...I'll tell him and let you know if he suggests anything. Oh I do have one suggestion that sometimes works for me, try aspirin instead of ibuprofen. As you may or may not know, aspirin makes your blood thinner, and when I take it cramps are a bit better, because I don't clot so much. (I get huge ones sometimes...like marble sized. :()
Posted: 24 Sep 00:21