OP: Goo around the head of penis..

Hi there,

This problem is quite embarrassing but I have nowhere else to go and know that this forum is very understanding, so thanks in advance for any and all help you can provide for me.

The last few days, I have noticed I have been very very itchy between the head of my penis and the foreskin. I am not circumcised, so the skin is very tight around the head to the point that the foreskin can't even retract past the head. Anyways, there has been this kind of semi-solid white substance that is in and around the head of my penis and I think that it is causing the itch. It almost looks like semen if it were solidified in there. I tried washing as best I could this morning but it didn't seem to work all that well and I am going to try again but it still came back today.

When I have sex or masturbate and discharge, I never hold it in, so I don't know what it could be. My girlfriend and I are both clean of STDs and never had sexual contact with anyone else.

Any suggestions as to what it could be or how to get rid of it? And is it serious?

Thanks so much for your help.


Posted: 29 Sep 23:20


Could be smegma or yeast. See a doc.


Posted: 29 Sep 23:21

How serious are those things? I'm kinda worried, obviously....

Should I be worried about it? I haven't heard of those things, so what should I think? Are they curable or very serious?


Posted: 29 Sep 23:21

Should I be worried about it? I haven't heard of those things, so what should I think? Are they curable or very serious?[/quote]Smegma should be removable with good hygiene. Yeast? Requires treatment. If you cannot remove the white discharge without it being painful you should see a doc. Serious? No. If left untreated can lead to a host of underlying skin infections.

If you experience pain---it's a good indicator to see a doc to find out what is happening. Curable with some meds.


Posted: 29 Sep 23:21

The uncircumcised penis should have the foreskin fully retracted at once every day for thorough hygiene. Semegma is a collestion of stuff that either men or weomen get in the recesses of their genitalia. It is a collection of skin cells, urine, semen, sweat and a variety of bacteria, virus and fungi (yeast includede). Not nice. Hygiene is the answer.


Posted: 29 Sep 23:21

I have a shower slightly less than once a day (if I have a shower at night, I usually have another shower the morning after next) - so usually about 5 times per week I would say. I don't participate in a lot of sports and being winter, I don't sweat a lot.

So it should be enough to just wash the parts every day? I don't retract the foreskin because it hurts too much and it physically wont go that far back. Either way, the actual problem is very curable and has no side effects or anything? I won't feel comfortable to have sex in the next little while because I don't want to do that to my girlfriend, but everything is going to be okay providing I clean every day for the next little while at least?

Sorry, still freaking out a bit here!!! Help!


Posted: 29 Sep 23:21

Hygiene is the answer! No alternatives. Uncircumcised men are more prone to STDs and are more likely to be carriers for both tradtitional STDs and the HPV that are related to cervical cancer. Read again my description of what smegma is made of. Not nice - everything is either a waste product or nasty little creatures that cause problems.

I thoroughly cleanse my pudenda twice a day and after every bowel movement. OK, I am female and we have special cleansing needs. Uncircumcised men are not that different. The area under the foreskin cannot be rinsed off. The foreskin must be fully retracted to cleanse properly. This should be at least once a day and before you get thing near me, it better be scrubbed - with the foreskin retracted.

You do not sweat a lot. Big deal. You pee a lot and ejaculate a bit and skin dies and cells fall off and that thing tucked in your shorts is about an inch from the biggest producer of bacteria in the body.

Now, your real problem: it will not retract. Your doctor can give you a range of alternatives. It is not normal to not retract fully. You do not. See your doctor.


Posted: 29 Sep 23:22

If you cant pull foreskin back, thats a problem

You can train it by pulling a little further back each time you use the toilet.
if that doesnt work, see the doc.
dont let him talk you into circumcision. not necessary. if he insists, see another doc.

Posted: 25 Nov 15:02

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