OP: Sterilization, anyone had regrets?

I'm turning 30 in few more months, and that is the age limit for sterilisation in my area. I've been thinking of getting one for years, since I've never felt like having a child. I've had one abortion done before, few years ago, and I feel no regret doing that.

I wouldn't consider this, but it seems to be awfully difficoult to find a birth control means that would suit me. I don't want to vomit once a month for the rest of my life just because I MIGHT someday change my mind on this. Does anyone have experience on sterilization and possible regret?


Posted: 28 Sep 00:04


I was fixed at about your age. I refer patients for tubal ligation weekly. Among those over thirty, sterilization is the most common method of birth control - either tubal ligation or vasectomy. I, personally, prefer tubal ligation. It is, after all, our bodies that become pregnant.

The procedure should be considered final. Although there are those doctors who will "reverse" the process, results, in either men or women, are not that good. Be certain you want no more children. Among my patients and friends, only one has ever regretted having her tubes tied.


Posted: 28 Sep 00:04

I decided to have a vasectomy and never looked back. My wife was on the pill until we had our children then I used a condom. But when we decided not to have anymore children having a vasectomy was the natural choice. It gives us greater freedom and and no worries about unwanted pregnancies.


Posted: 28 Sep 00:04

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