Hey there...i dontk now but from the sound of yr post it sounds like maybe you feel guilty for masturbating for some reason or another?
i started masturbating when i was really young too and astarted watching porn movies around 13 or so too, and i used to feel al ittle weird about it at times when i was younger. haha sometimes even now i feel a little weird about it, but i realize now that its nothing to feel bad about it. its totally natural to watch some porn and to wanna get off: it feels good! but maybe take a breal from it if your not enjoying it. dont do anything if your not enjoying it.
maybe try to watch a different kind of porn, or maybe you could read some erotica or sexy stories and then masturbate while fantasizing about it.
just dont get down about it and above all things ENJOY the body you were given , its a beautiful, pleasurable miracle.
take care
Posted: 30 Sep 23:02