Ok, lets all take a deep breath. Don't jump into any decisions today.
You need to sit with mom, I'm glad she is not freaking out on you like you
thought she might.
What Sera said is right. If you give this baby up for adoption, then you give this baby up for adoption. I have a friend who at 3 was adopted by her mother's mom and her step grandfather. Her birth mom wants to be called mom, her adopted mom wants to be called mom, and neither wants the other to be called mom. So an adoption with a close family member can have it's added difficulties. Plus does your mom want to be a grandma without the conflicts that this Aunt may put on that relationship. Have her look at all the pro's and the con's.
Plus it's your decision, if YOU carry it to term on keeping it or putting it up for adoption. The dad needs to be there for you, not that his imput is not to be considered but it's your body and your decision. Hang in there and take care of yourself, and your baby.
Posted: 30 Sep 18:26