OP: G'day

Glad I found this place, my wife and I were very active when we first met, and in about the 4th year of being together, we were in a very bad car accident. Sex became extinct, then we got 2 puppies, Then there was no sex for a lot of years, between pain and puppies...

Well in the last few weeks, we have reunited. And it has been great. But it's like I am a virgin, starting out new, What do I mean by this, I could find her clit each and every time, and give her wonderful earth-shaking orgasms... and now I am lucky if I hit the spot once a week. She says it's all good and feels good, but I want to give her those earth-shaking moments again every time. It's like I am not sure where the clit is with my tongue or my fingers. I suffered brain damage from the car accident, and cannot believe I forgot the exact position of it. I know practice makes perfect again, but I am disappointed when I don't give her an orgasm every time... But I am not giving up, I will find the proper area again, and give my Lady the best orgasms as I did years back... I can't stay between her legs for a long time, cuz from the accident her hips were really banged up, and she began cramping up if I am there for 10 minutes or more... After reading here, I am going to try it from the side...

Is there anything anyone can suggest...Would very much be appreciated... Did I thank YOU for a wonderful site, Thank you so much...

Posted: 21 Sep 13:12


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