Ya know what... UTI's are just another one of those few unpleasant aspects of feminine life. Yes, other factors can be involved in causing them, but some women are just more prone to them than others too. There is no way to know what SPECIFICALLY caused your girlfreinds UTI at this point (and its important to note here that there is a difference between a bladder infection and a UTI... which I can not extemporate on knowledgeably at this time, but be aware that it's there)... it could have been as you described, but it could easily have been somthing else entirely. However, doing as you described might lower the risk. Also, tell your girlfreind to drink cranberry juice (NOT cranberry juice cocktail... JUICE)... it's suppose to help lessen symptoms and help to prevent against more occurances.... (My mom gets these alot.... I'm as close to a pro on this subject as you can get without being a doctor)
Posted: 27 Sep 23:40