I am still on Depo-provera.
My most recent shot was oct 12th and i have another forst week of jan.
I now really want to not have it anymore. I do gain weight after my shots. The last one i had has been the worst and its getting me so down that i eat about 1000 cals a day (aiming for 1 meal) at most and i have actually gone up a size. I also have at times extreme paranoia which i didnt have before the shot ( my mum doesnt help the matters if i am honest.) and i get terrible tum aches especially as of recently.
My medical problems recently have led me to stay on the shot. I have been diagnosed with anemia (it was iron anemia but they said thats wrong pfft) so i am now on Fersaday as the other pills made me nauseous. As I have had 10 UTI's this year my dr just did some tests on kidneys and stuff and said "i will grow out of it" and so i am not having surgery which is great. But it means i am recurrently on Trimethoprim.
So I guess the pill is apparently not an option as they are interfere with my medications. And its good as i am bad enough at remember to take the Fersaday.
I am from the uk the ring IS NOT available asked and my nurse said no. I do not wish to be on the patch and apparently the implant has the same side effects as depo (and my friend is on it and after a year is having odd problems).
So what are my options? I do NOT want to get pregnant. It is literally the worst thing that could happen to me in my opinion i just dont like it or the idea of having kids.
What do i do. I will have been on the depo a year in feb. Apart from random bleeds, the side effects have not worn off.
Advice would be so much appreciated. If anymore info is needed just ask.
Posted: 29 Sep 23:38