OP: HPV in my mouth??

Hi everyone:

About 4 years ago I went in for oral surgery on my tooth.
At the time, I noticed these cauliflower like bumps on the inside of lower and upper lip. There were about 4 or 5 of them. They didn't hurt, but they looked strange. I thought they were from smoking at first or maybe because of my teeth rubbing against my inner lip.

Anyway, I asked the surgeon about it and he removed one of them and had it tested.

He called me back and said it was HPV and that was all he could tell me.

I then went out on my own and got some of that freeze stuff in a can and burned them off myself.

After I burned them all off, they've been gone for years and haven't come back. I still check my mouth time and time again in case they do come back.

Here are a few questions.

1.) Do I still carry this HPV in my body even though the warts on the inside of my lips are visibly gone? I was going today to get a blood test for STD and can I get a test for HPV? Also, I am a guy and I am not a homosexual (not to be rude).

2.) If I had HPV on the inside of my lips, can I transmit it to a woman while giving her oral sex (even though they are not in my mouth anymore).

I am just very worried here. I have a girlfriend and have been giving her oral sex for about 3 years and nothing has happened. I basically assumed that once they were burned out of my mouth, that that was that.

Any other information would be great.
I am going to the doctor today to request a blood test and to ask him further questions about this.

I am just wondering how I got it. Could I have gotten it from giving oral sex to a woman or by kissing a woman?

Thanks everyone. Peace.


Posted: 28 Sep 22:05


There nearly 100 strains of HPV and only two or three of them can cause bumps in the mouth (to use your description). It would be necessary to know exactly which strains the doctor found to identify whether or not they were sexually transmitted.

In the absence of any present lesions, you are probably clean. If you are still in touch with that doctor, ask; if not, discuss it with your present doctor.

It is possible, but rather unusual, to develop genital HPV lesions in the mouth


Posted: 28 Sep 22:05

I can't believe this!

I just discoverd a little tiny one on the side of my tounge that I didn't see (since it matched the color of my tounge). I'm pretty sure its the same and I am in the process of freezing it off.

The doctor told me it was HPV type 32. I really can't find any information about type 32 on the web and he didn't know that much about it either, but he is in the process of finding out about it.

The only thing I can think of is that I must have gotten it from having oral sex with a woman years ago. Damn it!

The most screwed up thing is that I just met a woman and kissed her. I guess I should tell her about it, shouldn't I (since it is on the side of my tounge)? I'm sure telling her will destroy that relationship...and just when I finally met the right person. Well, back to being single...

God, my life really sucks now.


Posted: 28 Sep 22:06

Best bet is to actually get to the DOC ....if you GOOGLE HPV type 32, there seems to be a fair amount of information actually...Good Luck...


Posted: 28 Sep 22:07

Well, let him find out about it and explain it to you. And stop treating yourself. Most of us are infected with some strains of HPV and mostly have no symptoms. Type 32 does show up in the conjunctiva (eye) and mucousa of the mouth. It does not usually travel with other types and is generally benign.

You may have contracted this simply by breathing. It is not considered to be a sexually transmitted HPV

Other than a few high -powered specialists most of us do not have deep knowledge of most of the HPV. That is slowly changing but talk to your doctor.


Posted: 28 Sep 22:07

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to update you on what's happened.

Well, I went to my doctor, who sent me to the hospital for a blood test, which I thought was strange. When I went for test, the nurse told me that they couldn't do a blood test for me for this type of problem.

Anway, I only had one very tiny one on the side of my tounge, so I went back to my bad method, which was freezing it off myself, since that's what the doctor said he would have done anyway. I wouldn't recommend it! If you have a GOOD doctor, then go get it done there.

My girlfriend, who I've been giving oral sex to for a while, went in for testing, etc. and they found nothing wrong. Big relief there!

Either way, it's strange because although the lesions are frozen off and not there anymore, I can still feel a few of the bumps when I run my tongue on the inside of my bottom lip, but they seem to be underneath the skin. If I pull my bottom lip back you really can't see anything. I just wonder if they would return? Either that or I just paranoid.

Which then begs the question to me if it was from stress or smoking cigarettes (which I quit years ago).

Ahh! I don't know and the doctor (even the hospital) had NO answers for me.


Posted: 28 Sep 22:07

Quit stressing yourself. I can absolutely assure that you have some strains of HPV in your body. So does your girlfriend. So does your boss. So does your barber. So do I and everyone else in sight.

We can say definitively that four of them are bad news and are sexually transmitted - but the bad news is for us women who may or may not develop cervical cancer. The other 100 or so are minor players and may be contracted lots of ways. And most of them, we do not even know what they do to us - if anything.

The fact that your doctor and the nurse at the hospital could tell you so little is that very few of us know that much about the less active strains of HPV. While we are young and healthy, the body fights them off; once we contract them some are treatable but most we do not even know are there. It is more likely that you contracted this breathing on the bus than going down on your girlfriend. And continuing to go down on her will not cause any problem unless she has eyes on her pudenda.

We can all feel bumps under the mucous membrane of our front lip. That area takes a beating from eating (food, not your girlfriend) and we accumulate all sorts of damage from teeth, chicken bones or eating corn on the cob.

Next cleaning, ask your dentist to do a very thorough examination of your mouth. Probably more knowledgeable able mouth tissue than most doctors. Smoking cigarettes will either cause cancer or leave small burns there.

But, believe me, HPV is almost always no big deal and, god knows, you have it checked as far as you can..


Posted: 28 Sep 22:07

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