OP: How do I control this urge to masturbate?

pls help,
i am 16 yrs female/ virgin. nowdays i feel horny or sexually stimulated. but i dont want to masturbate. can any one pls help me wat to do. i was told to take a cold shower. but sometime it not working. i come from religious family n i not suppose to do this things even though i want to later on whwn i older. pls any one give me full advise. thanks.


Posted: 01 Oct 20:57


Why exactly don't you want to masturbate now? I mean, I understand the religious angle, but why later and not now?

Masturbation can actually be beneficial. It helps you discover your body and what feels good specifically to you. It's great for relieving tension. It is absolutely the safest sex you can have. Besides that, it feels good.

Now I know none of this answers your question, but I just can't realistically come up with any good reason not to masturbate.


Posted: 01 Oct 20:57

> but I just can't realistically come up with any good reason not to masturbate

and neither can i.

they say the heart wants what it wants..well, so does the body.
sex relieves tension and so does masturbation. and the more you want to stop yourself from doing it, the more stressed out you're gonna get about it and the more you're gonna want it.

i say just get it over and done with.
maybe you're just curious as to what it feels like?
so just do it..be done with it. who knows, you may not like it all that much. (ok, so that's doubtful, but anything is possible. lol)


Posted: 01 Oct 20:58

I know this may sound crass and uncaring, but if you're from a religious familiy, then perhaps you should talk to your pastor. I'm sure he/she can give you some prayers or other things to do when you are feeling sexually aroused that will divert your attention from wanting to touch yourself.

Taking a shower, in my opinion, only gives you greater frustration as you will be naked and "denying" what you are wanting....but you'll have clear opportunity to "touch" yourself if you wanted.

I think the core issue here is the risk of wanting "More" if you do masturbate....that and the "guilt" of masturbating knowing your family will see it as a sin.

I don't envy your position...but....perhaps your pastor can help


Posted: 01 Oct 20:59

Jeyachithra, I checked out your profile and I noticed you are from Singapore. And I just noticed it was your first post- WELCOME! I know I type funny...lol...so if you want anything clarified, please don't hesitate to ask.

Rawbob, I've never known you to be uncaring . And your response is more to her question. I guess I just have a problem letting anyone else dictate my sexuality- can you figure out why? LOL

I feel that God made sex feel good because He wanted us to enjoy it. As long as you aren't harming anyone, experiencing joy and pleasure, to me, just means you are using his gift wisely.


Posted: 01 Oct 20:59

masterbation also gets rid of the horrible cramps that comes along w/that time of the month. which, when its MY time, im on it like flies on poop..just cause it relieves the pain for quite a while actually..

but i agree w/seeing a pastor..
i myself was raised in christian schools, but my mom was very laid back & only sent me there cause it was safe lol. but she & i never had the sex talk, and i learned about it--actually..from the internet. lol (of all places)

maybe you could talk to your mom, or a close family friend or someone, i understand the wanting to wait until later, but you cant get pregnant if you masterbate, cant get an std, and it feels good...

Mel's a flirt

Posted: 01 Oct 20:59

thank you for your prompt reply. i get very similar answers from most of u here. it looks like masturbation is not so bad as i thought.
i have consulted a religious teacher 4 help. she has told me to engage in meditation. i will heed her advise 4 now. once i am more comfortable with my sexuality and body, will definitely heed your suggestions. pls assist me meanwhile by helpin to get any info on how to restrain or refrain from masturbation. thank you very much once again.


Posted: 01 Oct 21:00

I just thought of something...TRY YOGA!

I hear that it's a great way to reduce overall stress, get in shape, and regain some mental, physical and spriritual focus!


Posted: 01 Oct 21:00

well, i'm not trying to pressure you into anything but honestly, a great way to become more comfortable with your body and sexuality is to well, touch yourself and explore yourself.


Posted: 01 Oct 21:00

Well, i agree with all the guys here, that masturbation is a good thing for you. But if you have some personal reasons for not doing it, that's ok. Now, i don't know how it works for everyone else, but for me, when i was younger and realy horny, i found that doing some workout, like playing soccer or basket-ball help me release all that tension. Although the releaf was only temporaly . But u can try, maybe that will work for you. Good luck


Posted: 01 Oct 21:01

I like the meditation idea, and the yoga. Try those and maybe that will help.

I just have two fears and they are both on the opposite ends of the spectrum. One, is that you will deny yourself pleasure for so long that you will have trouble "letting go" when the time is right. The other is that when you do let go you will explode like a volcano...lol.

I just hope you maintain perspective.


Posted: 01 Oct 21:01

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