OP: Sex and general health after chemo

After receiving 5 rounds of chemotherapy as well as steroids and being in bed about 14 hours a day for 4 months I have obviously gotten a little out of shape. I'm 20 years old and was in decent shape before treatment began standing 5'9" 150 with a toned body. I had been in much better physical shape at 18 when I lifted weights 90 minutes a day over the summer after running cross country and long distance track for 4 years..at that point I was 5'9" 155 and about and inch away from being able to dunk a basketball which would've been impressive as a white guy my height. At that point I was the most confident I've ever been about the way my body looked and felt. Also I didnt lose my virginity til july of 09 but from after the second time until right before treatment I had been able to maintain an erection and not ejaculate early as in I could go a good 30 + .. I was basically in completely control of it.

Now after treatment I am 5'9" 164 with probably 5 lbs less muscle on my body (I believe this occurred from me not eating then losing 15 pounds then my body going into famine mode right as I was regaining my appetite while I remained at rest for the vast majority of time)... all the fat is on my stomach chest and face and I don't feel as attractive.. I feel the esteem issue and actually not being in nearly as good of shape has drastically decreased my sexual performance.. I mean can still use my fingers and mouth(physically and verbally) but when having sexual intercourse with my girlfriend since the end of chemo 3 times i have come in 2 to 5 minutes and once gone limp. I also feel like my libido was super high prior to chemo...

its come up a little since my last round a month ago but is nothing like it was before chemo where I couldn't concentrate in class because id be thinking about having sex with my gf non stop.. the only thing that really "gets it up" now is dirty talking with her. I feel the need to masturbate much less often now and feel bad that I cant perform as well due to the loss of my libido along with the aforementioned factors. I do believe that with working out to get back into great shape will fix my esteem, libido, and performance issues. Does anybody disagree with my analysis of my own situation?


Posted: 23 Sep 08:15


Congratulations on the news. Most of those things are ones you should discuss with your doctor. Returning to a "normal" life after events such as those can have its difficulties, but a determination to enjoy life and not mope should get you through them. You're still at an age where it's likely you'll be able to regain and even surpass your prior physical abilities, but even one in perfect condition will have those abilities whittled away by age no matter what they do.


Posted: 23 Sep 08:15

Thanks and I am very determined to enjoy life although it will surely be difficult at times I think I am now sufficiently prepared to deal with that. Im also determined to improve my physical mental and emotional abilities until I die.. with the physical though it'll be more of a maintenance once i go over the hill. I'm actually feeling the most confident I have in quite a while.


Posted: 23 Sep 08:15

Congratulations, Van. It sounds like you have gotten good news and that is the important message. You can expect that it will take a year or more for your body to recover from the treatments. Get the guidelines from your doctor and get back to regular physical training. Nothing can speed the recovery as much as getting back into shape. No reason that you will not acquire your previous vigour. Patience.


Posted: 23 Sep 08:16

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