You do not mention where you live. Europeans and, especially, Asians have a much broader range of IUD choices than Yanks. IUDs come in three flavors - plain, copper coated and hormone impregnated. All are equivalently effective and are the most effective of reversible forms of contraception. IUDs and the pill are about equal in the number of women using them, mainly because the IUD is the most popular form of contraception in China. It is the most underrated and misunderstood, mainly in the U.S. because of a disastrous design of a few decades ago giving all IUDs a bad name. In the last decade, this resistance appears to be disappearing. It is much more effective than any barrier of contraception. Of 100 women using a diaphragm for a year, fifteen will become pregnant; IUD, perhaps two will become pregnant.
The reason for hormone coating has nothing to do with efficacy. The hormone reduces cramping and breakthrough bleeding. These side effects usually disappear within a few months. The copper is also spermicidal and thickens the cervical mucous, thought to reduce the passage of sperm. Statistically, no difference. In most of the world, plain, or uncoated IUDs are available and they last longer than coated ones. Not available in the U.S. Europeans, Canadians and Asians can also get them in a variety of shapes. In the U.S., all are in the traditional T shape. Other shapes are more adaptable to some women's specific physiology, reducing the risk of perforation or cramping.
Talk to your doctor. Too many doctors simply buy a bunch of whatever and put them in. There are choices, even in the U.S. Two of the three IUDs available in the U.S. are hormone impregnated but the third is copper coated. If the hormones are your concern, avoid them and get copper coated. There is no significant difference between the two hormone IUDs in the U.S.
Posted: 30 Sep 04:21