> We kinda want to know in the man's mind what happens if we give a man blue balls one too may times.
You will probably find yourself looking for a new boyfriend/fiance/husband!
The two cases of BB that I've experienced have both been instigated by men--never a woman.
> Interesting topic came up between my female friends. So, we'd like to know if it's a bad thing to leave a guy hanging. What we mean by this is, you get all hot and heavy, you are busy with foreplay with a man to the point where you know he is rock hard...and then for whatever reason, you just leave him hanging with no method of release.
Ya, we know what you mean. This is the stuff of male nightmares. I've never heard that the condition is dangerous, simply extremely annoying! There are two recognized ways to make us feel better: First, taking a cold shower; second, masturbation!
> Is this a bad thing?
"Bad" as in dangerous? Not to my knowledge; however, it is cruel and unusual punishment to someone you hopefully care about. Blue Balls can ache for hours until relief is given.
> Is there any real need to torture a man like this? Not even if he deserved some punishment. The first time I experienced it, I was not aware of why it was happening then I figured it out and was really miffed at the guy I had been with! The second time while not planned by me, ended up being a learning experience.
What do you think?
> Is this actually painful??
Asked and answered. The ache is not unlike getting hit in the balls, yes it hurts but for me at least the sensation was more of an intense aching that did not go away until I either j/o or took a shower. (I did one for each occasion.)
If you want to hurt the guy, I believe there are other less invasive short-lived techniques. This is not unlike a person who wants to be spanked. You can do so but do so by pulling your punches.
Posted: 03 Oct 06:48