I would recommend that you "borrow" one from next month and stay on schedule if you really want to keep that particular day. As you refill, you can keep borrowing. Or, perhaps, the nurse in your doctor's office can give you a sample pack or some from stock. Or. a friend ON THE SAME PILL, may have a little stash of extras.
As a practical matter, what you describe would put you at little risk - but there is some and the first pill of the month is important. Deep in the literature, not generally available to patients, are charts of the time limits for taking pills and maintaining effectiveness. This indicates the time at which the hormones in your bloodstream fall below the therapeutic level and you risk ovulating. For most pills I am aware of it runs from eight to eighteen hours for the AVERAGE woman. You really should not start the month on a downer. So, you can take the first pill of your next cycle on time and then shift the time of taking your pill, say, four hours each day until you are back on schedule. May interrupt some other things until you get back but this is a safe approach if you cannot dig up an extra pill.
Posted: 29 Sep 22:01