RG, maybe you should try and see deeper into these feelings. The feelings you have towards your daughter are definitely mothers-pride and drawn from fascination with how children grow up beautifully. So don't get confused about that. I'm no mother, but when I see the kids I once babysat; I look admirably at how they've become such pretty little ladies! :)
This could be the same with women. But there's absolutely no shame in finding out whether it is simple admiration for the beauty of the female body or sexual attraction. You are a grown woman. You are in control of your life! No-one else (family,etc) can forbid you. So why not find out? Perhaps there's a local cafe/bar/club for gays/bi's around where you live? That would be an opportunity...
Also: lesbian/bi-people are to be found anywhere! I've actually been hit on by females in the train, bus, gym (and the sauna, but I feel this is a very inappropriate place!). And what they did would be just having a nice friendly (girl-)talk and at a certain point I'd get that same feeling as when a guy is hitting on me. Eyes going up and down my body, compliments on how good and beautiful I look, sometimes making ambiguous remarks, asking for my phonenumber, asking me on a date, etc (too bad for them I wasn't interested and kindly declined as I did with any men as well). Point is that there is not much difference from the way you'd meet straight people. Just the odds that there seem to be a bit more straight than bi/homosexuals out there. But than again; if you'd be looking for a straight guy, you'd also have to find out whether you're attracted to eachother. And just like with dating men, please be clear to eachother on what your purpose is to prevent disappointment (being in love is something else then sex for sex sake and it would be a shame if the other feels toyed with).
Posted: 30 Sep 08:11