A few women have really tough or thick hymens. These are difficult and painful for penetration during sex. You evidently do have a thick hymen but do have the perforation that allows menstrual flow. The benefit of having this done is it will make enjoyable sex possible. It will also ease the use of tampons or menstrual cups. I do not know why she did not examine you based on having your period. In many cases the "hymenectomy" is no more than a nick with a scalpel. Put on some anti-bacterial ointment and wear a mini-pad for a couple days. Sometimes the hymen has grown in such a position that a little more is required. That is the only reason I can think of for an ultrasound. I do these minor procedures during some women's initial gyn exam.
The only drawback that I can think of is a possibility of infection which occurs any time we have any medical procedure. It is not likely that any follow up care other than an examination will be needed. No sex, or other penetration, for a week or so.
Posted: 24 Sep 00:06