I FINALLY---FINAFUCKINGLY---GET A NEW MAN I RESPECT FIRST AND FOREMOST, WHO I FELL MADLY IN LOVE WITH FROM THE JUMP. HE IS SMOKIN HOT, YOUNG, HARD BODIED, LATINO-BLACK, HUNG LIKE A HORSE AND CAN FUCK. He always seems rushed, like I know we always generally have something to do. But. Even when we don't it seems rushed. He is getting discouraged because he thinks I don't enjoy sex with him bc it takes me longer to get there. I need foreplay and a few minutes to mentally relax so the juicebox can get ready to put on the waterworks display he wants. I don't know how to explain this to him. He looks so sad bc he thinks I don't enjoy sex with him---I do so much and I've gotten so close but he busts fairly quick. I'm not sure how to ask him is it bc he feels rushed or he enjoys it that much. How do I tell him I need more than just putting the dick in for a warm up, and to slow down so we can both blow...? Help
Posted: 01 Jun 14:15
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