OP: is the Depo A shot good?

My girlfriend has been on the depo shot for a few months now and i have heard mixed thoughts towards the side effects so i just need feed back on this
because we are def looking long term and wanting kids could this detrement that
and could it be puttin her in danger
she said she looked into it but i just want to make sure there is no harm


Posted: 28 Sep 07:56


I have patients who stopped after the first cycle and others on it for years. Different strokes.


Posted: 28 Sep 07:56

Well I'm on the Depo shot and like you and your girlfriend I did some research on it and asked my doctor about it. According to my doctor...no it doesnt put your chance of having kids in danger. But when you do want kids you should wait 3-12 months after she gets off the depo shot. Research has been done...ya some women who are on the depo shot have trouble having kids but yet some women not on the depo shot have problems having kids. But from 2 different doctors mouths...the depo shot doesn't harm the eggs inside of us. The only thing that it could do to her is make her gain weight...and it hasen't done that to me yet and I've been on it for a year or so. Oh but the longer shes on the shot...the longer she'll have to wait to have kids after getting off the shot.


Posted: 28 Sep 07:56

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