I recently related this story to someone else about a man whose arm hurt when he raised it above his head. Concerned, he went to the doctor and the doc. advised that if it hurt then he shouldn't raise his arm so high. My point being that if there is an area that tickles, and at a particular time, then avoid that spot. Also, there is a workaround for tickling and that is to use more pressure. If you are using a lubricant then you can squeeze harder or rub with a firmer touch and this might very well stop the sensation from happening.
> if I have too much friction around the head of my penis when I do climax, it becomes uncontrollably stimulated and ticklish.
Please clarify three things. First, where is "around the head"? Are you referring to the Glans as a whole, a particular area/spot {where?), or, on the shaft near the Glans? Third, do you touch this place when you masturbate and is doing so crucial to the triggering of your climax?
It is normal for us to become much more turned on when in the presence of a lover than when we are home alone and stimulating ourself. This is the most likely reason why you are becoming ticklish. We generally experience much more intense sensations from oral stimulation than we do from a hand job. The reason for this is because the sensations we experience from oral stimulation are often not the same as those reqired to build and then trigger an orgasm. What usually happens is that in an attempt to trigger an orgasm our partner continues to stimulate us, our excitement continues to build, the sensations increase yet because the stimulus is different than what we rely upon to have an orgasm, it doesn't happen. At some point, either a guy will cry "uncle" or ask for a breather so that things can subside a bit. If you do this then switch tactics and have your partner either get you off by hand, or, better yet, using both methods in what I refer to as the "dynamic duo"!
> I think it's the hottest thing in the world when my girlfriend and I can climax simultaneously during sex, and she enjoys it too, but every time I have to slow down, which I worry doesn't make it as enjoyable for her.
Yup, I agree, although having just done so, please do not be dismayed if and when they do not occur at or near the same time--as is most often the case.
If you are concerned about how she feels about this or anything else, then you need to ask her. Good communication (as well as feedback) are important to a successful relationship. You very well may learn that what is important to her is not what is important for you. A case and point is that for her, enjoyment may be with the journey and not so much the destination.
What do you know about "hotspots"? We all have them; the A#1 spot is the Frenulum {Y-shaped ridge of skin extending from the cleft to the top of the shaft). Rubbing along the ridge immediately prior to an orgasm is a guaranteed and immediate trigger. One or more can be found around the Corona Rim where the Glans and shaft meet. Learn where yours are and then one or both of you incorporate them into your foreplay when you are very aroused.
Posted: 23 Sep 05:40