Once again thanks for the feedback.
Though it seems there´s no easy way out ... but I feared as much myself :(
I´ve got two follow up questions: Rawbob, what do you mean by intervention? I am not from the US so I am not sure what you mean by that. Is this something like an "informal guardianship"? Sounds harsh to me, that´s why I am asking.
Nodoubt16pb: You are right about it: she doesn´t trust people. She said that to me even before we came together.
"People will let you down if you let them close." I consider this to be a terrible outlook on life, though neither should you trust everybody. Yesterday she also confessed to me that she hurt herself with a razorblade when she was younger to "relax" in times when the emotional stress was too much to bear. She stopped two years ago.
And today she told me she felt overwhelmed by life and sometime felt as if it wouldn´t matter whether she threw herself in front of a car. Once again she soothed me by explaining: "That´s just figuratively." Still this makes me want to cry. Hearing all this makes me incredibly sad and I feel powerless to help the one I love.
She told me lots of things I don´t completely understand.
She doesn´t like children. She becomes aggressive as soon as someone asks her to help with the buggy (leaving a bus etc.). She can´t express her desires. She sees herself as having to play "roles": If you want to be a "good gf" you have to spend your time with your bf even if you don´t want to. You must have sex with him even if you don´t want to. You must fulfill the roles etc. WTF?
Her last relationship dragged on for three years even though she hated it. She had sex against her will with the guy though she never said "no" but simply let it happen. She says she felt as if she wasn´t inside her body when she was deflorated. But not out of sensation but rather as a protection.
Her first words to her then-bf after this was: "If I had a knife I would stab you!"
I knew she didn´t like "giving me a hand" but she never said "I don´t want to" even though I asked her if she felt comfortable about it.
Why am I writing all these intimate details? First of all this is an anonymous board. And then I am really at a loss. This is out of my league. What I learned the last days is clearly over my head. So if onyone out there has (or better: had) similar problems or knows another board that is good and more about psychological matters I would be really glad to hear from you.
I hope this doesn´t sound too pathetic.
Posted: 27 Sep 03:55