Imagine eating your favourite dish (not oral sex related) over and over again. Eventually that great taste and feeling associated with it will become...worn. He may need a little more time before it gains back its novelty.
I can't speak about sexual intercourse (still a virgin) but for masturbating I can be aroused enough to do it 4 times in a day. But by that time it doesn't feel the same anymore and some of the pleasure is lost. After that, cumming just feels strained and displaced (for lack of a better word) from the feelings that wanted me to do it in the first place. Sometimes even I can't be bothered to do it for another two days.
Now I am not your significant other so I don't know how he is feeling but maybe that has something to do with it. Maybe you guys can just do a lot of foreplay sessions and he doesn't have to cum (but you can if you wish). This way you're still sexually involved, he can still express his affection and he can recharge sexually enough where cumming gains back its importance/wonder and will happen easier.
Ask him too? He can better explain than any of us.
Posted: 23 Sep 06:20