OP: Bacterial Infection from anal...???

My boyfriend claims he has a bacterial infection. He has not been to the doctor yet. The morning after a night of anal sex, he started complaining that his penis was burning when he went to the bathroom. Now we have been fighting/breaking up, and he has been telling me that I gave him an STD. I know I am clean, and I never cheated on him. I just wanted to know if it is normal/common to get a bacterial infection from anal, if it will just go away, or if he has to go to a dr. and get on anitbiotics...


Posted: 28 Sep 22:18


Now think this through. The highest density of nasty bacteria in the entire body is in the rectum. That is the downwar part of the bowel that leads to the anus. A penis in there is surrounded by enterobacteria - the primary cause of urethral infection in both men and women. Any movement at all is pushing some into the entrance to his urethra.

The first indicator of urethral infection in men is burning while urinating. This may get worse and it may seem better but that infection, once it takes hold, will remain and move upward to his prostate. In severe cases the infection can move to the bladder and even up to the kidneys.

This is an STD only in hte sense that he contracted the infection through some form of sex play. If he stuck it up there uncovered, he was asking for it. Most of the time I see a male patient fearing an STD, it is actually "non-specific urethritis." That comes from normal migration of the bacteria and it comes from anal sex. It would not be likely that it would be noticeable the next morning. It takes the bacteria a while to reproduce to the level where it is causing pain.

Tell him to go to a doctor; we see urethritis every day. Then tell him to take a hike. He is levelling pretty serious allegations against you simply because of his (and your) ignorance.


Posted: 28 Sep 22:19

Yeah, I agree with Brandye. He needs to think logically, and stop throwing those accusations at you. Besides, if he is so concerned about him getting an STD, why hasn't he called or gone to the doctor instead of wasting time fighting with you about it? It's not really fair that you are the one concerned about him going to the doctor for antibiotics when he's the one that should be making appts. JMHO


Posted: 28 Sep 22:19

Ok. so i posted a few weeks ago about my boyfriend thinking he had a bacterial infection oin his penis from anal sex.
well. I know i was clean. I was last tested January 10th, 2007, and have only been with him for the past 8 months.
So my boyfriend go tested for his problem, and it turns out he tested positive for Chlymadia. hmmm. He started having symptoms a little over a month ago. And it says that symptoms usually start 1-3 weeks after contact. Which means that about 2 months ago he came into contact with Chlymadia...
He didn't get it from me.
But he swears that he was tested shortly before we met.
If he had it when we met, then wouldn't i have tested positive in January?
He swears that he never cheated on me, and I honestly believed him. i'm not naive, we spent pretty much every night together...ha...until about 2-3 months ago.
So I am sure he had to have cheated on me with someone who was infected, who infected him...
so he says I must have cheated on him after Jan and got it. But I NEVER cheated on him


Posted: 28 Sep 22:19

If he tested negative then was involved only with you, and you tested negative and he's now positive, then someone here is messing around. Generally symptoms show 1-3 weeks post-exposure BUT you can also be positive and be asymptomatic. If he knows for certain he was tested before you and it was DEFINATELY a chlamydia test and you know you have not been with anyone and have been negative. Guess who's not being truthful? Additionally, if he was positive and you have not been using condoms, you should show positive especially over prolonged exposure. Since he just came down with these symptoms, and a positive test, I'd lean to saying this is a recent thing, more recent like a few weeks ago. I am sorry.

Many swear they are not cheating, my ex-hubby said he was not cheating; I was just "nuts". Hmmm, pictures from a PI are worth a thousand words in divorce court.


Posted: 28 Sep 22:20

Please get tested. If he was tested possitive for it, he may have passed it to you.


Posted: 28 Sep 22:20

One of you had outside sexual contact. Period. Only you and he know the facts. Get tested and treated if necessary and if you are not the culprit, dump the culprit.


Posted: 28 Sep 22:21

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