OP: Bent Penis

well as you can see im new to this bored,but im at ends witt's and i need help!

as yet im 15 turning 16 very soon and im still a virgin! but ive done oral stuff with girls and that in the past-but it wasnt until one pointed out to me that when 'erect' my penis bends like a banana
i have done research on thsi condition and its called peniel curvature!
i was jsut wondering if anyone could tell me if its ok 2 have sex as im in a relationship at the momnet but it seems im 2 'SCARED' of what will happen and how it will go!

i would appreciate any feed back on thsi subject!


Posted: 27 Sep 00:23


A truly straight penis is very rare indeed. Nearly all penises have at least some arc to them. It's possible your girlfriend just doesn't know that, and therefore nothing is wrong!

That said, if your curvature is anything more than mild, you may have Peyronie's disease. Peyronie's is caused by a plaque (an area of calcified tissue) that prevents the penis from stretching in that area. It generally starts as a bump beneath the skin in the elastic covering of the erectile tissue, which gradually spreads and flattens to form a calcium deposit. It's not always clear why the plaque form, but one cause is trauma to the penis, such as over-bending. It's also more common as men age.

Peyronie's disease occurs in about 3% of males. The severity of the condition varies greatly. Mild curves are most common, but complete U-turns do happen. Because the plaque prevents the penis from extending, some shortening of the erection is also likely. About a third of men experience painful erections with Peyronie's, and 20% become impotent.

Until recently, a wait-and-see approach was about the best doctors had to offer. Oral vitamin E or colchicine didn't do any harm, and surgical correction was (and still is) a possible -- but extreme -- way to correct severe curvature. (Loss of erections and numbness often accompany surgery.)

Four years ago, however, a doctor came up with the idea of injecting a drug called verapamil to dissolve the plaque. Of the patients who participated in the study, it helped 60% of them.

Then, just two years ago, a pharmacist developed a system for applying verapamil cream to the skin of the penis in the area of plaque. Verapamil helps 65% to 70% of men, but it works best when applied early, while the plaque is developing.

If you think yours is more than a mild case of curvature, then I suggest that you see a doctor to determine the extent of your problem and discuss your options. Together you may be able to straighten things out, or at the very least s/he can put your mind at rest.

Unless the curve is really extreme and makes sex uncomfortable, I don't see any reason why you shouldn't have sex in the meantime.


Posted: 27 Sep 00:23

Stallion has given you the whole story. Let me boil it down:

Perfectly straight penis' do not exist. They all point somewhere a little bit. Sometimes quite a lot. If it does not hurt like hell when you are erect, you are normal.

You also need more maturity before you start having sex. If you are too embarassed to see a doctor about your penis, you have not developed the maturity to handle the psychological stresses of sex. Every act is potential parenthood. You want to discuss that with a doctor? Will you be embarassed buying condoms? Talking to your g/f about using spermicide? Talking to her about just coming all over her tummy?


Posted: 27 Sep 00:24

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