OP: Hey everyone.

Hey everyone. I used to have an account on the old forums but I found that I was no longer able to login into it so I created a new account for the new forums. I am very happy to see that the forums are up and running again. I hope they stay up and running for a long time.

Posted: 23 May 05:23


Hey, I'm new here also. This site doesn't seem to be very active. The majority of the post and responses are months old.... Good luck!

Posted: 23 May 10:15

Hey Butterfly82,

Welcome back and thank you for the kind words! I didn't import in any of the old accounts for the reboot... I hand picked the best posts and only added about 30 accounts from the most active users from the prior era. I still have a couple forums to pull posts from, but reviewing 10's of thousands of mostly low quality and repetitive posts gets a bit tiring - and I needed a break from it. Traffic to the new site is still pretty low compared to the golden age, but it is steadily increasing. If you have any feature requests, please let me know!

For fun - Most of the posts are not months old, they are 6-15 years old. Months ago is when I started importing them. Anything new that I import from the old site is now backdated to 6+ months to not clutter the newer posts. If you'd like this forum to come back to life, you could try being a little more positive... and be happy that people are slowly returning :). I greatly appreciate that you're the most active person in the new age, but these types of comments do not help. Please keep in mind that this is a small site made by one person with no VC money... not pinterest with some 1 billion dollars invested.

Posted: 24 May 15:39

I am also a newbie. Nice to see you all.

Posted: 15 Jul 08:18

Hey everyone. Glad to be here and celebrate and talk about the beautiful wonders of this divine gift of our human sexuality. Im also looking for any curious friends either gender but particular the female kind.

Posted: 11 Mar 09:45

I am new here too nice to see you all.

Posted: 04 Jun 09:31

Hello all, I’m new also.

Posted: 04 May 23:15

Hi All,
I’m new here.
Thanks for creating this unique place to share.

Posted: 01 Jun 01:21

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